March 9, 2025

Characteristics of a Productive Working Environment

Productive-OfficeThink about this, if two managers are equally good with their skills but only one is a team player, who will the boss hire or promote? The answer is obvious. Employers do not only want professional expertise and experience in their employees, they are also looking for other qualities: character traits for building rapports with customer and co-workers, interpersonal skills and communication skills.

Here are tips to using professional expertise and great leadership qualities to create a productive working environment.

Offer challenging, interesting work

Give your employees work that will challenge them and keep them busy. It will raise their self-esteem because they understand that you have faith in them. When employees stay involved in challenging and interesting work, they become more passionate and enjoy their work more. [Read more…]

Byron Pederson Discusses the Global Impact of Drilling for Water in the Desert

Byron Pederson

Byron Pederson

Byron Pederson knows that in some areas of the world water isn’t as plentiful a commodity as it is in the United States. That’s why the co-founder of Instant Tax Solutions wants to spread the word about how far a few dollars can go in a poverty-stricken country that needs water. Recently, Byron Pederson met with the staff of Interviewing Experts to discuss the work some missionaries are doing to help bring water to those who need it most.

Interviewing Experts: “Byron Pederson, what are some of the questions you get most often about drilling for water?”

Byron Pederson: “Many people wonder if there’s a way to find water in the desert. One of the best ways is to single out areas with a lot of vegetation. By drilling within the area of a tree’s underground branches, you may find water.”

Interviewing Experts: “Once you’ve found a well, how much water can you expect to find?”

Byron Pederson: “It all depends on the well, but usually you’ll find that the wider the well, the more plentiful it is.”

Interviewing Experts: “Byron Pederson, explain to us how safe this well water is for drinking.”

Byron Pederson: “Because much of this water is underground, where livestock and sewage can’t contaminate it, it’s usually very safe.”

Interviewing Experts: “Byron Pederson, what about saltwater? Is it safe to drink?”

Byron Pederson: “No. The salt content actually can cause dehydration. It’s a must to find freshwater.”

Interviewing Experts:  Some spiritualists believe in dousing. Byron Pederson, is dousing a good way to find water in the desert?

Byron Pederson: “Because of the religious beliefs in the affected areas, dousing can be very off-putting to locals. It’s best to find water through more earthly methods.”

Interviewing Experts: “How much do people need to donate to make a difference?”

Byron Pederson: “Just seventy-five American dollars can actually provide water to an entire village. Any amount people can give can make a difference.”

Interviewing Experts:Byron Pederson, are there other ways people can help?”

Byron Pederson: “What are most needed in these other countries are people to do the work. By pitching in and helping, people really can change the world!”

Kummetz Corporation Answers Questions About Gold Mining in Columbia and Bolivia

Kummetz Corporation

Kummetz Corporation

Kummetz Corporation is different from many other financial investment firms. The company, licensed in Nevada in 2005, has projects throughout the world as it seeks to help stimulate economic development in countries that need it. Today Kummetz Corporation speaks about one of the Company’s latest projects, gold mining in Columbia and Bolivia.

Q: Kummetz Corporation is involved in a variety of projects throughout the world. What made you decide to get into gold mining in these areas of the world?

Kummetz Corporation: Well, in Bolivia specifically, opportunity exists for gold mining but the area is suffering from more than half a century of underfunding and poor management. By investing in the gold mining industry in that country, Kummetz Corporation can do wonders for the economy. The production and exportation of gold could mean extra jobs and more money coming into the area’s businesses.

Q: In Columbia, Kummetz Corporation is working with companies to explore some land. Explain that to us.

Kummetz Corporation: We’ve focused our efforts on the northern region of Columbia, where Kummetz Corporation has established partnerships with some companies in the area. We have more than 9,000 acres of land to be explored in that region of the country. We’ll primarily be looking for gold and platinum.

Q: What are the benefits of mining for gold in these two areas?

Kummetz Corporation: For Kummetz Corporation, we see this as a probable great return on our investment. But we’ve always been more interested in how we can make a difference in the world. For these countries, the vast amounts of gold that can be uncovered in these mining expeditions can do wonders for economic development. That’s what Kummetz Corporation is all about helping to jump-start the economy in areas that really need it.

Q: Gold mining isn’t the only way Kummetz Corporation is helping stimulate economic development. Describe some of the work Kummetz Corporation is doing with housing developments.

Kummetz Corporation: Much of our work is in Eastern African countries, where apartheid has left many residents without housing, even after all this time. Kummetz Corporation works with construction companies there to provide speedy, low-cost construction development for residents. We also focus on keeping these developments environmentally friendly, as with everything we at Kummetz Corporation do.

Doing Your Part to Conserve Energy and Protect the Environment

These days we hear voices from all sides promoting the virtues of “going green”. But what does that mean for you and I, practically speaking? What can we do to help protect the environment? Here are a few tips to get you started.

1.  Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents.

2. Instead of using your dishwasher every night, especially if you don’t have a full load of dishes to wash, consider washing them by hand and air-drying them. (Just don’t leave the water running the whole time!)

3. If you are eating leftovers, it will save energy to heat up the food in the microwave instead of a conventional oven.

4. Turn off your computer and monitor when you leave for work, or when you retire for the evening.

5.  Home electronics take energy to run, even when they are turned off. You can save by plugging your TV and other electronics into power strips that can be completely turned off when equipment is not in use.

6. Lower the thermostat on your hot water heater to about 115 degrees. This will also serve to protect young children from getting burned if they turn on the hot water by themselves.

7. Take a quick shower instead of filling up the bathtub; this will significantly reduce hot water use.

8. Save up laundry to the weekend and run your washer only when you have a full load of clothes.

9. Drive less aggressively – a heavy foot on the gas pedal can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds.

10. Avoid engine idling.

These are simple tips, but with consistent use they will add up, over time, to real savings!

Paul Bleiweis | Healing Our Environment and Our Economy by Paul Bleiweis

Healing Our Environment and Our Economy

Some Suggestions from Paul Bleiweis, President of Energy Automation Systems

Paul Bleiweis
, President of Energy Automation Systems (EASI) has been involved in energy conservation and industrial efficiency for thirty years. Paul Bleiweis has been providing industrialists with technologies that conserve and reuse energy that is traditionally written off as a cost of doing business. Expert engineer and energy conservationist Paul Bleiweis says there are many ways to save power and protect the environment. Here, he provides a few.

Paul Bleiweis suggests removing incandescent bulbs and using compact fluorescent light bulbs instead.

In the kitchen, use a rack and air-dry your dishes, says Paul Bleiweis. The dishwasher dry cycle is an energy intensive operation that can be easily skipped. A microwave oven uses less energy, for the results it provides, than either an electric or gas range oven. Try using your microwave more, says Paul Bleiweis.

When you are not using your computer, says Paul Bleiweis, turn it off. Turn off the monitor, too. Get out of the habit, says Paul Bleiweis, of leaving your computer on all night, just running a screen saver.

Most home electronics–anything plugged in–bleed a little energy from the socket, even when they are turned off. Paul Bleiweis prevents this energy bleed by plugging home electronics into power strips. For example, says Paul Bleiweis, if a TV, DVD player, cable tuner, and stereo receiver are plugged into a power strip, you can turn off the power strip at night and stop the energy bleed on all of those appliances.

Paul Bleiweis suggests setting the water heater thermostat at 115 degrees. That is an effective, energy efficient temperature for most uses. Don’t run the washing machine or dishwasher until there is a full load. Take showers, not baths, recommends Paul Bleiweis. Showers use much less hot water than baths.

To conserve energy outside of your home, drive sensibly. Paul Bleiweis calculates that aggressive driving can lower gas mileage by as much as one-third. That means, Paul Bleiweis continues, that if you drive aggressively, a 21 MPG car is only getting 14 MPG. Don’t store heavy things in your car if you are not using them, suggests Paul Bleiweis. You lose about 2 percent of your MPG for every extra hundred pounds in your trunk. Don’t idle your engine for long periods of time, and turn the ignition off if you’re going to be parked or sitting still for a long time.

Paul Bleiweis knows that it only takes time and imagination to think of your own creative ways to conserve energy, save money, and preserve the environment. With that, Paul Bleiweis asks, what can you do to make a difference?

Joseph Merlo on the Three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse – Joseph Merlo

Joseph Merlo on the Three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse

As the founder and CEO of Energy Automation Systems (EASI), Joseph Merlo‘s research has demonstrated that Americans throw out over 700 billion pounds of recyclable trash every year. This wasted material includes paper, wood, food, plastic, metal, clothes, and electronics. Joseph Merlo says that nearly all of these materials could be recycled and returned into our society’s culture of use. Dealing with these mountains of trash may seem overwhelming, but Joseph Merlo wants America to know that there are easy ways for people to make a difference. Here are some ideas that Joseph Merlo, CEO of Energy Automation Systems, has gathered.

Break old habits. Joseph Merlo says that instead of buying beverages in cans that you might not recycle, buy items in bulk. From beverages to household cleaning items, buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging that must be disposed of later.

Joseph Merlo says that most of the work of conservation is in learning to think differently about every day tasks. A little imagination can go a long way, notes Joseph Merlo. For example, rather than grabbing a morning newspaper every day, try reading the online version of your daily paper rather than the print version.

Keep things loose, suggests Joseph Merlo. Buy small hardware, like screws and nails, from bulk bins rather than individually packaged half dozens. Joseph Merlo asserts that this is a great way to cut down on packaging waste. Same goes for the grocery store. Buy foods in bulk to reduce packaging waste.

Bring your own bags to the stores and reuse them as often as possible. Joseph Merlo suggests keeping a cache of old bags, either canvas or just some plastic bags you’ve salvaged, in the trunk of your car. This way, says Joseph Merlo, you’re never caught without bags when you go shopping.

Buy detergents and other household cleaning supplies in concentrated or bulk form. Joseph Merlo, CEO of Energy Automation Systems, points out that concentrated cleaning products use much less packaging material. Concentrated detergents, adds Joseph Merlo, contain less water, use less plastic, and use less energy to transport to the store. These days a 32-ounce bottle of concentrated detergent can clean as much as a 100-ounce bottle of non-concentrated detergent.

Teach yourself new habits, encourages Joseph Merlo. Make the decision to choose reusable products as often as possible. Try cloth napkins during meals instead of paper napkins. Use sponges and washcloths rather than paper towels. When you go into your favorite cafe in the morning for your caffeine fix, says Joseph Merlo, bring your own mug.

Get smart about the energy you use. Joseph Merlo suggests switching to rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries make less garbage and keep poisonous metals out of the environment. Buy Energy Star rated appliances and equipment with warranty coverage.

These simple tips and hints from Joseph Merlo are meant as a springboard for your own conservation efforts. Remember, working together, one day at a time, we can save the environment.

Climate Change Defined

The term “climate modification” is not a term commonly used by scientists any longer. This is because it is now generally understood that changes to the environment will effectively increase the temperature in many places on earth, at the same time causes the temperature in other locations to cool. Therefore, what has in the past been referred to as climate modification is now known generally as global climate change. And many scientists believe that the global climate is warming.

Let us offer a simple definition for climate change as it relates to the global warming. The clearest and most accurate definition of  climate change involves the description of the effect that greenhouse gases have on the climate of our world. Greenhouse gases are partly made up of carbon dioxide and methane.

We must first understand that climate change is both a naturally occurring state, and it is also man-made. In other words, greenhouse gases are a natural part of the biosphere and they would exist even if there was no human habitation on the planet. They are actually a critical and necessary part of life on earth. If they didn’t exist, the temperature on our world would actually average around zero degrees! It is naturally occurring gases that the temperature at a much more temperate average of 59 degrees.

So, if we determine that climate change occurs naturally, why is there so much fuss about global warming? The problem is not the existence of greenhouse gases, but their volume in the atmosphere. These gases act much like thermal blankets for the atmosphere. As the volume of gas increases, the thicker the blanket and the less heat escapes. Over the last century, humankind has been pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. At the same time, massive deforestation has occurred — and with it, the primary source to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This is what is causing overall world temperatures to rise.

So, what can we expect as our planet heats up? Well, for one, the glaciers are beginning to shrink. Glacier National Park may well have to be renamed since it has seen a sixty-five percent reduction of all of its glaciers! While we may not yet be able to determine the exact end results of these changes to our world’s environment, it’s reasonable to expect something major to be evident in the century ahead.