March 29, 2025

Mark Zokle on Working from the Beach

Mark Zokle

It might sound too good to be true, but sales and marketing expert Mark Zokle says working from the beach (or the boat, mountains, or other vacation destination) is possible with a little pre-planning and diligence. Here, Mark Zokle discusses how to make this dream a reality.

Interviewing Experts: This morning, we welcome Mark Zokle. Mark is an entrepreneur and experienced sales and marketing executive.

Mark Zokle: Thank you, I’m glad to talk with you today.

Interviewing Experts: Do you give our readers any advice on how to manage your team when you can’t physically be with them?

Mark Zokle: I get asked that question a lot. One of the things that has helped me throughout my career is having a weekly accountability meeting.

Interviewing Experts: Weekly?

Mark Zokle: Yes, this gives me the opportunity to converse with my staff and I’ve found that it’s critical in getting proper corrections – or praises – in place.

Interviewing Experts: Wouldn’t you spend less time if you just met with them once a month?

Mark Zokle: Probably not. Meeting once a month means more time has passed since our last interaction and likely more issues that we need to touch base on.

Interviewing Experts: That makes sense.

Mark Zokle: So for me, waiting until the end of the month isn’t an option.

Interviewing Experts: Do you always meet with your staff in person?

Mark Zokle: Not always. But the Internet has made it very easy to get everyone together even when we are miles apart. If that is the case then it’s always a good idea to have experienced managers in place that can handle day-to-day issues.

Interviewing Experts: We understand you travel quite a bit. How long has it taken you to learn how to manage from afar?

Mark Zokle: I’ve been doing this for over 20 years. It hasn’t always been easy, but the weekly accountability meetings have been a real game changer.

Interviewing Experts: Do you find it difficult to handle training while you’re on the road?

Mark Zokle: When I can, I try to be physically available for the training and recruitment process. However, this is another area where having the right key people in place is invaluable.

Interviewing Experts: What qualities do you look for in your critical management positions?

Mark Zokle: Experience, a track record of results, and a proven ability to lead.

Interviewing Experts: What defines a leader?

Mark Zokle: A leader is someone who is not afraid to get down in the trenches, get their hands dirty, and inspire others by their actions.

Interviewing Experts: In other words, someone who can prove his or her experience?

Mark Zokle: Someone who can leverage their experience and natural talents to motivate others and earn respect by giving respect.

Interviewing Experts: What kind of person do you think it takes to be successful without structure?

Mark Zokle: I believe it takes someone who is capable of creating his or her own structure.

Interviewing Experts: Someone who will make themselves accountable before their business does?

Mark Zokle: Absolutely. It takes a great deal of self-discipline and dedication to effectively self-manage.

Interviewing Experts: Sounds like it’s not for everyone!

Mark Zokle: Perhaps not, but for those who can, it makes it very possible to live the life they always wanted and have the freedom to make their dreams a reality.

Interviewing Experts: Very well said. We thank you again for your time today and look forward to speaking with you again in the future.

Mark Zokle is the National Sales and Marketing Director for Illinois-based BCI Acrylics, Inc. He is a motivational speaker and has influenced the careers of thousands of top sales executives in the county.

Bath Planet Walk-in Tubs a Value for Homeowners of all Ages

Bath PlanetBath Planet is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality bath and shower systems and says walk-in tubs are a popular product. Here, a representative from Bath Planet discusses the benefits and features of the company’s jetted walk-in baths.

Q: Good morning. Thanks for taking time out to talk with us.

Bath Planet: You’re welcome, we’re happy to answer any questions you may have.

Q: With cold weather still lingering, a warm bath at bedtime pretty much always sounds like a good idea!

Bath Planet: We can agree with that!

Q: We want to talk about senior safety solutions today. We understand Bath Planet sells and installs walk-in tubs?

Bath Planet: Absolutely – walk-in tubs are one of our best-selling bathroom products.

Q: What makes them a good option for senior adults, especially those with limited mobility? 

Bath Planet: Walk-in tubs are available with numerous safety features. These include a low entryway, ADA-compliant seating, and safety grab bars.

Q: They look pretty deep… How long do you have to wait for the water to drain before you can get out?

Bath Planet: Our walk-in baths are designed with a quick drain system. They empty completely in less than a minute.

Q: That’s a welcome feature when it’s chilly! Tell us more about the seating.

Bath Planet: Our comfortable seating makes it easier (and safer) for those in a wheelchair or on crutches to enter and exit. And, the backs are supportive, too!

Q: What other benefits do walk-in bathtubs offer to consumers with agility issues?

Bath Planet: One of the biggest selling points on the tubs is extra-wide entry doors. These make it possible to accommodate folks with a variety of mobility concerns.

Q: Who is your average walk-in tub buyer?

Bath Planet: There really isn’t an average. We have clients of all ages choose them after an injury. Others don’t have any medical concerns, they just like the look and comfort.

Q: And the tubs are jetted?

Bath Planet: We believe in relaxation and that’s just what our walk-in tubs provide! High-powered jets help rinse away the stress of the day. Between the jets and our hand-held shower wand, these tubs look more like they were meant to be in a high-end spa than a private bathroom.

Q: Are they hard to maintain?

Bath Planet: Not at all! Each tub is molded out of gel-coated fiberglass. And like our acrylic tub and shower systems, our walk-in tubs are resistant to mold and mildew. Cleaning requires a quick wipe down with an inexpensive cleaner.

Q: Let’s talk installation. Days, weeks…?

Bath Planet: Most jobs can be finished in as little as one day.

Q: How does Bath Planet work so fast?

Bath Planet: We only do bathrooms, it’s our specialty. And, every customer service agent, salesman, and installer is trained on Bath Planet’s products and proprietary methods. We know our products when we get to your home and we get to know you and your home before we start.

Q: Well, there you have it: a total bathroom transformation in a day! Before we close, can you tell our readers how they can schedule an in-home consultation?

Bath Planet: Sure! Simply visit or call us at 800.459.9529.

Q: That sounds easy.  Thank you again for your time.

Bath Planet: Our pleasure!

Fred Wehba | God’s Presence a Gift

Fred WehbaDoes God change lives? This question and more is answered here by Fred Wehba, who believes that God’s gifts should never be hidden but shared with all.

Q: Thank you for taking time out to chat with us today.

Fred Wehba: It’s always a pleasure.

Q: It seems as though you are one of the most outspoken Christians in the business world today. Would you mind talking with us about your faith and how it’s affected your life?

Fred Wehba: I would be honored and am always willing to speak to anyone interested in hearing about my faith.

Q: Were you always a devout Christian?

Fred Wehba: I believe that, like most, my faith has grown with age and experience. I was raised to love God but I don’t think you truly understand how important that love is until you are older.

Q: How does your faith affect your daily decisions?

Fred Wehba: In business?

Q: In every aspect of your life…

Fred Wehba: The fact that God exists is a gift to be celebrated with every breath.  I try to go about every day keeping in mind that all I do is because of Him.

Q: Everything…?

Fred Wehba: Absolutely! When you have a strong faith, you know that all you have is because of His gifts…His sacrifices… His love. Even the way that you interact with people is different once your faith becomes your foundation.

Q: How’s that?

Fred Wehba: You understand that we are all made in God’s image and thus everyone deserves our love the same way they deserve God’s.

Q: That’s really an amazing way to look at life.

Fred Wehba: Every aspect of my life is touched by the grace of God.

Q: Do you feel that this belief has impacted your professional successes?

Fred Wehba: I have never considered myself successful in the traditional sense. Money isn’t what makes one prosperous. It’s what you do with the assets you are given that determine your true wealth.

Q: What do you mean by “the assets you are given?” Hasn’t hard work played a role in your business?

Fred Wehba: Of course it has. You cannot expect to thrive in any endeavor without hard work. But, without God’s gifts of talents, drive, and determination, there would be no successes.

Q: It’s amazing how each person has a different combination of these attributes.

Fred Wehba: It is, indeed. God knows what He is doing and had a plan for each one of us before we were ever conceived. And it’s such a blessing when you are able to receive and share His gifts.

Q: So God changes lives?

Fred Wehba: It’s not really fair to say that God changes lives in the sense that our lives could have been different if not for our acceptance of Him; God knew all along when we would learn to follow our faith. Our lives are laid out in a perfect path before us but it’s when He allows us to receive Him that our sight is clear.

Q: That’s something to ponder on. We thank you again, Fred Wehba, for taking the time to speak with us today.

Fred Wehba: Please feel free to contact me any time.

Utah-based Haven Health Group’s Stephen Edward Samuelian on Senior Care Options

Stephen Edward SamuelianAs our parents age, many of us are left wondering how we are going to care for them. Here, Stephen Edward Samuelian opens up about senior care options and highlights major differences in skilled nursing and nursing home facilities.

IE: Thanks for joining us today.

Stephen Edward Samuelian: My pleasure… I am always happy to speak about topics near and dear to me, especially senior care.

IE: Let’s talk first about how to talk to your own parents about relocating to a new environment.

Stephen Edward Samuelian: It’s important to include the parent in the decision from the beginning. Even if we see a frail and aging body, their minds are very often sharp and they are perfectly capable of making choices for themselves.

IE: What about when they aren’t? Like as with Alzheimer’s or late-stage Parkinson ’s disease?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: Stay open about what’s happening. Even advanced dementia patients have moments of lucidity and will appreciate your respect and honesty.

IE: What kinds of care options are there for the 65+ community?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: There are retirement communities, assisted living, nursing homes, skilled nursing care, and home health care.

IE: What are the differences between assisted living and retirement communities?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: A “community” is often set up as such with single family homes in a planned development; residents come and go as they please. Assisted living is often similar to an apartment community with a medical and non-medical staff that’s there for assistance.

IE: And skilled nursing care…that’s the same as a nursing home, right?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: No, although some nursing homes do offer some skilled nursing care services.

IE: So what’s the difference?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: A Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) is required to have a number of advanced medical providers on-site. This will include registered nurses, therapists, and nutritional counselors.

IE: Are SNFs managed privately?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: Yes, they are usually managed by private conglomerates and governed by a board of directors. They report to Medicare for oversight.

IE: Are nursing homes regulated by Medicare?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: No, they are usually regulated by state or local agencies.

IE: Let’s shift gears now. What kinds of medical services are provided at skilled nursing facilities?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: IV medications, occupational and speech therapies, advanced pharmaceutical distribution and monitoring, and wound care are taken care of at SNFs.

IE: So basically, care that isn’t as easy as taking a few pills or checking blood sugar?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: Yes, medical services that require a skilled hand and extensive knowledge.

IE: It sounds like SNFs are best for people who need constant care and supervision?

Stephen Edward Samuelian: Yes, that’s right.

IE: That’s really good information to have and something to think about when we’re looking into care options.

Stephen Edward Samuelian: Yes. It’s not something people often consider until it’s time to start looking…

IE: We appreciate your time today. We’d like to have you back one day, perhaps to talk about building for specific medical needs.

Stephen Edward Samuelian: I’d be happy to!

Study: iPhone Remains Number-One Among U.S. Smartphone Consumers

iphone_4sAmong the four major smartphone carriers in the United States, iPhone receives the most kudos from customers, according to a new survey by J.D. Power.

The survey examined the perspectives of customers of AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon on their overall satisfaction with these providers’ most popular inventory items. Research was performed over a five-month period ending in February 2014. On a scale of 1000 points, Apple devices received high scores among all participants (849 – Verizon; 853 – T-Mobile; 857 – Sprint; 850 – AT&T).

Over 20 percent of all smartphone owners noted that “price” was the leading factor in their purchasing decision, followed by customer satisfaction and future loyalty. Some smartphone owners cited “features” as the most important aspect, but that rate now lies at 35 percent, compared with 57 percent just three years ago. [Read more…]

Great Careers for Every Industry

Most people believe that a good job these days means a degree in information technology. While it’s true that IT professionals are today’s most in-demand white collar worker, there are still hundreds of vocations that don’t require eye (and brain) strain.

Business Jobs

Market Research Analyst is a nifty job title and a great career for those who want to be “in the know” all the time. These are the people that watch what other people are buying and make sure their clients have the best and most innovative products for their customers. Starting Salary: $43,000

An Accountant is a financial expert who maintains the flow of a company’s (or individual’s) money. Essentially, an accountant accounts for where money is spent, where it’s going to be spent, and when more is coming in. Starting Salary:  $49,000 [Read more…]

Study: Millennials Less Likely to Brush Up on Employee Benefits

The 2014 Employee Benefits Communications survey by GuideSpark has given some interesting insight as to how employees – especially those born in the late 20th century – are accessing information about their benefits.

The traditional methods of benefits have fallen by the wayside due to the way people are finding information today. Meanwhile, the emergence of new Web-based communication channels – like mobile and video – are making handbooks and brochures ineffective.

Less than 25 percent of Millennials said the employee handbook was “very helpful,” while 11 percent said they didn’t read it at all. Employees of all ages say that benefits make a significant impact in their decision to choose (87 percent) or stay with an employer. [Read more…]

Weather Shield Reviews Team Explores How A Front Door Turns a House into Home

Weather Shield ReviewsThe Weather Shield Reviews Team understands how the front door of a home makes a first impression on guests and passersby. By instructing consumers on all their options, the Weather Shield Reviews Team improves the odds that they make the right decision. Here, the Weather Shield Reviews Team answers a few, pressing questions about this often challenging process.

Interviewing Experts: We’ve been looking forward to this chat all day. Welcome!

Weather Shield Reviews Team: That’s very kind of you. We hope to offer some insight into our selection of Entry Doors.

Interviewing Experts: Is there one particular aspect to keep in mind when buying an entry door?

Weather Shield Reviews Team: There are several matters at hand when a homeowner is thinking about the purchase of an entry door. [Read more…]

Modern Style, Classic Elegance: Weathershield Reviews Architectural Windows

Weathershield ReviewsHomeowners, builders, and architects have many choices when considering windows and doors for their project, but the most discriminating choose Weathershield. Reviews of Weathershield’s Premium line of top-tier windows and doors are the topic of today’s interview.

Interviewing Experts: Thank you for joining us today.

Weathershield Reviews Team: We appreciate the invitation.

Interviewing Experts: Can you explain the difference between contractor grade and architectural windows?

Weathershield Reviews Team: Contractor grade windows are basic windows that might come standard on any home. An architectural window is upgraded with features not found on basic models. [Read more…]

Seasoned Life Sciences Entrepreneur and Executive James Cullem Discusses In-House Counsel for Biotech Start-ups

James CullemFor more than two decades, James Cullem has helped numerous biotechnology companies rise through the ranks as an IP expert and business entrepreneur. Cullem recommends early-stage biotech companies acquire an experienced attorney who can guide them through the various legalities associated with launching a new business.

Interviewing Experts: Is an in-house attorney absolutely vital for an early-stage company?

James Cullem:  Eventually, yes. At some point in their evolution and growth, an early-stage company will reach the volume and frequency of legal needs that it will want to add an in-house Counsel in order to provide cost savings, improved efficiency and turn-around time on legal matters, and the benefit of synergizing the legal efforts with business development, marketing, and other efforts.

Interviewing Experts: What typically is the given title for this in-house counsel? [Read more…]