March 29, 2025

Respond to America’s “Cry for Health” with DR Marketing Group

A pioneer in Branded Entertainment, O2 Media™ has a long history of success in Direct Response (DR) Marketing.  Working on DR campaigns for brands such as Black & Decker, Magic Juice Filter and the Infrawave Speed Oven on HSN has positioned O2 Media™ and DR Marketing Group as experts in the DR industry.

The DR Marketing Group at O2 Media™ is a turnkey marketing agency. DR Marketing Group is focused on developing and implementing brand integration and direct-to-consumer strategies.  With core competencies in direct response television production, branded entertainment, online & mobile marketing, and product distribution, DR Marketing Group groups is able to respond quickly and efficiently in order to meet the demands of an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Currently, the DR Marketing Group at O2 Media™ is working on campaigns for brands whose products offer some sort of ‘healthy’ advantage or alternative.  Products such as vitamin supplements have been featured by DR Marketing Group and even glass products that offer the durability of plastic in order to follow the health trend of avoiding BPAs.

DR Marketing Group offers clients a highly experienced campaign management team that has run campaigns that have grossed billions. DR Marketing Group has an award-winning production staff and consumer products & packaging services division spearheaded by a leader in the consumer products space for over 30 years.  DR Marketing Group provides detailed strategic planning & consulting to some of the industries top decision makers.

“Direct Response is still an incredible marketing and sales tool and we are starting to see a trend in products that offer healthy benefits & healthy alternatives.  The products are new, innovative and should do very well with the DR Campaigns we are developing and initiating for them,” says Doug Campbell, Executive VP of Programming and Founder of O2 Media™.

If your company offers products or services that provide healthy advantages or alternatives to consumers, Direct Response may be the perfect platform for it in today’s marketing environment.  The trends speak for themselves and O2 Media™ and DR Marketing Group are ready to help you.

To get more information about O2 Media™ and the DR Marketing Group, send your inquiries to:

DR Marketing Group, based in Pompano Beach Florida, is a wholly owned subsidiary of O2 Media Inc, and the sister company of Quorum Productions Inc., BrandStar Entertainment and O2 Production Studios Inc.  DR Marketing Group is a turnkey marketing agency focused on developing and implementing brand integration strategies. With core competencies in direct response (DR) television production, branded entertainment, online & mobile marketing, and product distribution, DR Marketing Group is able to respond quickly and efficiently in order to meet the demands of an increasingly competitive marketplace. For more information about DR Marketing Group, please visit or contact Christopher Seega, Vice President of Brand Development and Marketing, at 954-691-1102.

Direct Media Power – Complaints to BBB are Key to Keeping Businesses Honest

Direct Media Power Complaints

Direct Media Power Complaints

Says Illinois-based Direct Media Power, complaints to the Better Business Bureau often capture the attention of business owner when personal contact has not. Here, the Direct Media Power Complaints Response Dept. answers questions about the procedure and why it’s important to speak up.

Q: I know customer service is important in your industry and Direct Media Power has a reputation of providing the best service around. What exactly does your company do?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: We offer radio marketing services. Essentially, we provide pay-per-call services where we foot the bill for our clients’ ad production and airing costs and they pay only for leads generated from the ads.

Q: That sounds like a win-win situation. So can you explain why the BBB is so important for businesses?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: The BBB, or Better Business Bureau, is a not for profit agency founded in 1912. The Bureau helps ensure marketplace trust by providing a neutral platform for consumers and businesses to settle disputes.

Q: Why is that important?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: When a consumer complains to a company, a few things can happen: the company can be proactive and rectify the situation, they can choose to ignore it, or they can disagree with the consumer.

Q: And when they ignore it or disagree, does the BBB step in?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: Yes, if the customer contacts them.

Q: Does the Better Business Bureau deal mostly with the public?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: They are a kind of liaison between the public and the business population.

Q: What kinds of businesses does the BBB mediate for?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: Virtually all. The do not, however, intervene with medical or legal disputes or issues that have already gone to litigation.

Q: How much does it cost to file a complaint with the BBB?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: It is free of charge.

Q: Why is it so important to have an organization like the Better Business Bureau?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: Any time you have an outside, neutral party that both parties trust for guidance, there is a greater chance for an acceptable outcome.

Q: So the customer remains happy?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: That is important but also so that the business can maintain their reputation, if they are a good company.

Q: So would you say that the Better Business Bureau is a trusted source for researching businesses?

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: Absolutely, yes. When a consumer has a legitimate complaint, the BBB is usually the first place they turn.

Q: What about sites like

Direct Media Power Complaints Dept: These sites say that they were designed as a platform to warn other consumers about bad business practices. The problem is that they are so anonymous that anyone can say anything about another. For instance, a fired employee may bash his former place of work, pretending he or she is a customer. It makes the company – who has often done nothing wrong – look bad and can put hard working folks out of business.

The Direct Media Power Complaints Dept. takes a proactive approach to customer service. Direct Media Power can explain the entire pay-per-call radio advertising process to current and prospective customers in order to circumvent any potential misunderstandings. By doing so, says Direct Media Power, complaints about their services are limited. The company has maintained positive relationships with clients since their inception.


O2 Media™ Shares Success Stories from Satisfied Clients

Based in Pompano Beach, Florida, O2 Media is an industry leader in commercialized branded entertainment. Their cornerstone television series, The Balancing Act® on Lifetime Television has been a daily morning show for 5 years and offers a unique platform for customers to showcase their products. O2 Media offers both studio and field production as well as print and direct response advertising. The company’s professional and high quality productions have culminated in numerous lasting relationships and repeat clients. Here are a few of their stories,


I think anytime you get on TV in front of your target audience, it’s a huge opportunity to really demonstrate a product. There is nothing like showing people how it’s done as opposed to just hoping they stumble into it and want you to find out about it.

David Gonzalos II, Founder & CEO, Impact Advanced Can

I could not have said it better myself. We appreciate you putting your trust in our team.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


I have been on a lot of shows—I mean, a lot of national shows. The Balancing Act®, let me tell you, has been nothing but first class.

Robert Ferguson, Nutrition/Author/Endorser, Proclaim Nutrition

Robert, we have put forth a great deal of effort to ensure that our sets, our staff, and our end product meets our clients’ expectations. I am so happy to see that our efforts are paying off and that The Balancing Act has been a rewarding experience for you.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


It was a great experience. We saw it as a wonderful opportunity. The communication was good back and forth. You guys were very open to our suggestions on the script and making changes.

Judy Bellack, Primedia

No one knows your product like you and we are always happy to make changes to ensure that our segments best reflect our clients. We can’t wait to have you back and sincerely believe that The Apartment Guide will offer a real value to our viewers.
Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


Number one, it’s the format. Traditionally in the nutraceutical field, or nutritional supplement field, it’s mostly done by search engine optimization, marketing in magazines and print—which is really what some consider a dying breed. It’s becoming less and less effective. This is something where you have a targeted focus group. We have a product that really fits and aligns well with those people. It’s something, I think, that is going to really catapult us to something where there is going to be that recognition of the product.

Anthony Lucchetto, Owner,

As pioneers in the branded entertainment industry, we definitely understand navigating uncharted territories. We appreciate your kind words and are always here if you need anything. Thank you, Anthony.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


This is our first live, pre-taped broadcast. We’ve basically advertised in print only. We are very excited about the potential this could have for us now and in the future.

David Hawk, Marketing Consultant, Team Angel Barn Dad Nutrition

We can’t wait to see where this takes Team Angel and look forward to working with you later down the road.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media™
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


We haven’t done a lot of media that has been specific in television. Most of our media content is generally in print or generally it’s web-based. This is really kind of our first entre into television and direct-to-patient.

Michael Sullivan, VP Sales & Marketing, Avlon Pharmaceuticals

Having the ability to directly communicate with your audience offers you the chance to allow them to meet your product and gives an intimacy that print just cannot. We appreciate that this idea has helped build your brand.
Doug Campbell, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


The budget was a really tight budget for us. You guys worked with us to get the cost down somewhat. It was a difficult decision from a cost standpoint for us but after thinking about it pretty carefully we thought that the opportunity that was presented to us to share our message, this message that we wanted to get out to people, was too good to pass up.

Gary Ike, General Manager, Talco Fire Systems

Gary, we are so glad that we worked something out and that you had this opportunity. Please keep in touch and let us know how things are going.
Lysa Liemer, O2 Media

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


The value for the cost for the distribution and the potential amount of viables that are going to see this technology—you just can’t compare that to other options out on the market today.

Kim Lewis, Marketing Director, Home Grid Forum

Designing Spaces was created with the average DIYer and Homeowner in mind. We are so thankful that you opted to debut your product on television with us.
Lysa Liemer, Designing Spaces

3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073


Our goal right now is to really get the Health Insurance Web name out there. Your audience matches our target of who we are looking for.

We also spoke with somebody else who was on the show and they gave us some good, positive feedback and some suggestions on how to go about promoting it on our own as well—which you had also provided some suggestions for that. I think that the background from the previous guests plus our initiative to brand Health Insurance Web with a target audience like yours is really what nailed it.

Lonie Murray, Marketing Manager,

We cannot express how glad we are to hear that you based your decision to appear on the show on a recommendation. It is very difficult to earn that level of trust from former clients; I am happy to know that once the lights have dimmed and the cameras have faded that O2 Media™ and The Balancing Act® continue to remain in the spotlight. Thank you for your business and please contact me should you need further assistance.

Doug Campbell, The Balancing Act®
3850 N. Powerline Road, Deerfield Beach, FL 33073

The Balancing Act on Lifetime with Laundry Buyer, Lori Wood and Refrigerator Buyer, Michael Burti from Sears

The following segment aired on The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Lori Wood and Michael Burti from Sears to discuss how to get the most for your money with appliance deals.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television Host Danielle Knox:  Stretching our dollar is a top priority these days, so ‘The Balancing Act’ on Lifetime Television has invited Lori Wood, Laundry Buyer, and Michael Burti, Refrigerator Buyer, both with Sears, to help us save some green on our next appliance purchase. ‘Show me the money’ is a mantra that a lot of Americans are chanting these days.  When shopping for appliances can we do well in both price and value? Is it possible to have both?

Wood:  Absolutely, value is different to every consumer and we offer over 3,600 appliances at Sears, so we really do have a value that’s meaningful to every consumer. No matter what their budge is, no matter what the size of their wallet is, we have great products at every price point, from the top of the line down to whatever price point the customer is interested in spending.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television: Times are tough for so those price points may be lower for many of us. Do we have to sacrifice performance for price?

Burti:  Absolutely not.  You don’t have to sacrifice performance.  You’re probably going to have to sacrifice some features if you’re on a budget, but that’s okay.  I think what it’s going to come down to is having to do a little bit more research ahead of time, really trying to understand what features you have to have and which features you can live without.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television: How important is it to do your research, especially in these economic times?

Burti:  Without a doubt, if it’s an appliance then you are going to be living with it for a long time. You want to make sure that you’re going to be satisfied with it and that it is going to meet all of your needs.  Definitely do the research ahead of time, making sure that if you’re on a budget that you are going to get all of the features that you expect to get out of the appliance.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television: It seems like every day a new energy-efficient appliance pops up.  More and more, people are thinking about this. More and more consumers are heading towards buying these kinds of products. 

Wood: it’s a great way to go when you buy a new appliance and especially important because you will have it for a long time.  Today’s appliances are more energy-efficient than they have ever been.  In addition to saving water and saving energy which is so important, it saves you money so your utility bills are less.  The machines on the market today, like dishwashers use so much less water than before that they actually use less than if you washed dishes by hand.  And in a washing machine you can fit 25 bath towels in one load so you can do that many less loads of laundry.  They spin so fast that they take most of the moisture out of the clothes so you are also using your dryer for a lot less time.

Burti:  The appliance industry has come a long way and it’s really interesting to see all the things they’ve done to help save both water and energy.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television: I think the other important issue that a lot of us out there are worried about is the value.  Great value in important but the next question has to do with warranties and service.

Burti: A good thing about purchasing an appliance at Sears is the fact that we have our own service organization and when you make a purchase at Sears, your appliance is covered for a full year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, support on the phone and certainly if you need service, we have 10,000 trained technicians that are available 7 days a week for service.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television: How does Sears stack up to its competitors in terms of affordability and quality?

Wood:  We would like to tell you that we’re the leader in the industry as far as selection of appliances overall, especially as far as selection of energy star appliances.  And with the service organization that we just told you about, we can give you service and assurance with our price match that no one else can do.  You can go to for more information.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television is the only morning show in America produced by women specifically for women. Every morning, The Balancing Act on Lifetime hosts Danielle Knox and Kristy Villa tackle the issues that face today’s woman. Popular show segments include Live weather updates with Mark Mancuso, surprise celebrity visitors, and news about the latest trends affecting your life, home, career and family. The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television airs daily on Lifetime at 7 a.m. ET/PT. For more information, visit The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television’s website at


Direct Media Power, Inc. Slashes Advertising Budgets While Maximizing Profits

Nationally recognized media marketing firm Direct Media Power says radio provides cost savings for lead-driven businesses across the country. Today, the experts at Direct Media Power  offer tips on how to walk all over the competition while operating on a shoestring budget.

Interviewing Experts: Good morning and thank you for speaking with us today. To begin, can you tell us what Direct Media Power does?

Direct Media Power: We are a pay per call marketing and media agency. Essentially, we allow our clients to only pay for the calls their commercials generate.

Interviewing Experts: How does that benefit your customers versus just paying per commercial?

Direct Media Power: Our clients do not have to foot the bill to have their commercial written or produced, for one. Additionally, since we buy airspace in bulk, we can run spots more frequently and on more stations.  In addition, paying on a “per call basis” allows our clients to lock in their advertising expense.

Interviewing Experts: Which broadens their audience… But, why assume the costs for this? How do you know that your client is going to be successful and actually receive these calls?

Direct Media Power: We start with cash testing. This initial phase costs our clients as little as a few thousand dollars and we will gauge an expected number of calls based off this trial.

Interviewing Experts: What does Direct Media Power do to ensure your clients’ media offers a return of their investment?

Direct Media Power: We are very thorough and upfront during the testing phase. If the market isn’t there, the client will know. But, once a cash test has proven fruitful, we offer our partners a guaranteed return on their media placement.

Interviewing Experts: That’s a pretty nice promise. It sounds like Direct Media Power is a no risk way to advertise.

Direct Media Power: We consistently deliver results, yes, and we do this by advertising on radio the right way and by offering our clients the best service possible.

Interviewing Experts: What kind of advantage does radio have over the Internet for advertising?

Direct Media Power: Organic internet search is great, but most clients that are looking to grow can not count on non-paid search and with paid search it is extremely risking with no guarantee that clicks will turn into actual leads and/or sales.  In addition, it’s no secret that the internet affiliate marketing industry is loaded with fraud and if you are not careful you can easily accumulate thousands of dollars in alleged leads that never amount to any type of actual business.

Interviewing Experts: But can’t consumers just turn the radio off or change the station?

Direct Media Power: Yes, they could. But, studies have shown that most people just carry on through the commercials for a number of reasons, such as they enjoy the host or there is not another station in the same genre available.

Interviewing Experts: So, businesses advertising this way really can gain an advantage over their competition?

Direct Media Power: We see it happen every day.

Interviewing Experts: We appreciate your time today. Thank you.

Direct Media Power: You’re welcome.


Direct Media Power, Inc. is a Chicago based pay per call marketing firm who partners with their clients to ensure a profitable campaign. Since the agency assumes a high level of financial interest in creating and promoting their clients’ commercial appeal, Direct Media Power ’s affectivity in their clients’ success is paramount to their own.

For more information on how Direct Media Power can help you stretch your advertising dollar farther, contact 888.302.5557


O2 Media’s Designing Spaces on Lifetime with Caleb Geffre

Designing Spaces

The following segment aired on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Caleb Geffre from RicoRock®. Here, Caleb is talking to our viewers about Swimming pool Waterfall.

Host, Debie Marie: Designing Spaces is all about you and you’re space, you’re home and surroundings. I am Debie Marie.

Spaces’ Host, David Jones: And I am David Jones. Here on Designing Spaces, we take a look at all aspects of your home and property including lifestyle. Today we focus on creating your backyard oasis.

Host, Debie Marie: Ohh. That’s right. We look at patio furniture, get landscaping ideas and see how we can create attractive safe and functional decks. You will be inspired.

Host, David Jones: Did you ever hear of the word poolscape?

Host, Debie Marie: Poolscape? I am going to go way out on a limb and say that is the backyard surrounding the pool.

Host, David Jones: You’re not just a pretty face. Ha ha. But there is much more to it than you might think. And the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.Take a look at this.

David: The sights and sounds of nature can now be right in your own backyard. Waterfalls and rocks can be added to just about any pool setting. Even a formal pool design can be set off with the natural look of rock and moving water. Water features like this are popular with folks of all ages and on all scales from simple waterfalls to elaborate caves and lagoon pools. It’s all about atmosphere and we bring that extra special touch to your pool side.We’re here with Caleb Geffre from Rico Rock. Caleb welcome to the show.

Caleb Geffre: Thank you. Thank you very much.

David: Rico Rock. That is a fun name. What is Rico Rock?

Caleb Geffre: It’s made out of concrete actually. What we do is we go out in the field, we find the real rock.

David: Oh, that feels real.

Caleb Geffre: And we make a mold of it.

David: That feels very real and it’s cold like real stone.

Caleb Geffre: Exactly. That is the benefit of concrete.

David: What are some of the advantages of using Rico Rock over real rock?

Caleb Geffre: It is lightweight for one. Secondly, the more of these together concrete bonds up better to concrete than it does to actual rocks. When you go up against the real rocks, concrete doesn’t like to stick so well. When we do concrete to concrete is real. Everything holds up.

David: And this is lighter than real rock.

Caleb Geffre: Correct, correct. This is lighter than real rock and two people can move just about all the pieces.

David: But, it is solid. It’s not like it’s just going to blow away on you?

Caleb Geffre: Correct, correct. It is never going to blow away on you. As long as it is correctly motored in place, it will never go anywhere.

David: It is always this color? Can you get other colors?

Caleb Geffre: Oh no, um from this point on it gets stained. It can be made to look like granite to Tennessee field stone, to river rock to any color that you really want. You can go from there.

David: Caleb, how difficult is it to install Rico Rock?

Caleb Geffre: Uh, it is very simple to install Rico Rock actually. It’s just basic masonry skills. All that is done is basically you’d take, put down some concrete, set a rock on top of it, put more concrete on top go on top of that with another rock. Just stack it up from the ground. Just like a puzzle. A normal installation of a waterfall around a pool would take a day or less.

David: That is it?

Caleb Geffre: Do it within a day.

David: One day and you have a beautiful new landscape around the pool.

Caleb Geffre: You do. You have a nice atmosphere created around your pool. The sound of running water, everybody really enjoys that.

David:Well, if you have a waterfall, where does the water come from?

Caleb Geffre: The water comes from the pool actually. Um, what is done is that it’s usually used through the same equipment that is run already in your equipment set up. The water goes from your pool over the waterfall back into the pool. It just recirculates the water.

David: That’s easy. Now, can you use Rico Rock to make caves and grottos and things more interesting?

Caleb Geffre: Oh yes. Caves and grottos are very simple. Um, well basically, the sky is the limit. However big you want to go. It can be used around swimming pools, lagoons, and it’s even been used around Koi ponds. Things like that.

David: So, just use your imagination.

Caleb Geffre: Exactly.

David (Designing Spaces): Well, once Rico Rock is laid in place, I mean these swimming pools they just look beautiful, absolutely gorgeous, and they look kind of expensive. Are they affordable?

Caleb Geffre: Anybody can afford them. It’s just how big and how vast you want to go.

Designing Spaces: Caleb, I mean, the first thing I said was “Wow.” This looks absolutely amazing! Did you have any trouble with the installation at all?

Caleb Geffre: Um, no. The installation went real good. Everything went real smoothly. Most of the Rico Rock installations can be done in one day. With a pool like this, with all the extra rock work and everything done with it, yeah, you know it might take three, four or five days.

Designing Spaces: Sure

Caleb Geffre: So it all depends on how much you want to do. The best thing to do with that is to contact your local Rico Rock contractor and go from there.

Designing Spaces: That is still a very short amount of time for something this beautiful, and George, the proud homeowner, I know this is a silly question, but I mean, do you like it?

George: We are very, very happy with it. It came out beautiful. We can’t keep the kids out of it! They are on the slide and the diving board all the time!

Designing Spaces: How about neighbors, and friends? I bet they are coming over a lot more often now.

George: We have had quite a few parties since the completion of the project.

Designing Spaces: Caleb, you have got to tell me more about this. I mean, let’s take a closer look. Apparently, this is just a railing to get in and out of the pool.

Caleb Geffre: Yeah, exactly. This is a unique way of making the ordinary silver thing that you have got to do at the end of your pool you know, into something that looks really neat. Yeah, it really does. Um, basically it’s got a steal column on the inside of it wrapped with concrete.

It’s very sturdy. It’s never going to go anywhere. It will be there for many, many years.

Designing Spaces: So kids can jump all over it and it’s not going to fall.

Caleb Geffre: You bet. Without a problem, without a problem.

Designing Spaces: And how about the same thing with these rocks, you know kids, adults, people can jump on them they are not going to come loose or anything like that?

Caleb Geffre: Yup, exactly.

Designing Spaces: Caleb, Rico Rock, this sure is a neat product. And I just want to thank you for being on the show.

Caleb Geffre: Thank you, Stacey.

Designing Spaces: Alright, do you think George will let me try the slide?

Caleb Geffre: Go for it!

About Designing Spaces on Lifetime Television
The TV show is a half-hour informative series that inspires viewers to make every space count and instructs them on the smartest ways to make their homes more beautiful and functional.  To view a show online, just go to If you have a great idea for a story, or want to be a part of the show please contact LysaLiemer at

About O2 Media℠
Based in Pompano Beach, Fla., O2 Media℠ is a national television production company and pioneer of the branded entertainment industry. Since its inception O2 Media℠ has engaged, entertained and educated viewers with such reputable shows as Designing Spaces and The Balancing Act, both airing on Lifetime Television. O2 Media℠ has earned hundreds of industry awards for revolutionizing the way brands engage with consumers on television. O2 Media℠ provides unmatched marketing value to its clients while producing quality content for its growing national viewership through Brandutainment®. Household brands and blue chip companies alike, continue to depend on O2 Media℠ for effectively communicating their message to consumers.  For more information, visit

The Balancing Act on Lifetime with JP Morgan Chase

The Balancing Act

The Balancing Act

The following segment aired on “The Balancing Act” on Lifetime Television. Joining the show was Donna Vieira to talk about Chase’s web services for small business owners.

The Balancing Act: Well, you know, ladies, we should be pretty proud of ourselves as a gender.  I’m going to go ahead and pat myself on the back on that one, because research shows we are now, more than ever before, an essential part of the business world.  There are more female CEO’s and more female executives, women own a growing number of businesses, and, in fact, women held nearly a million businesses nationwide and generated more than a trillion—yeah trillion with a t—dollars in 2007.  That’s according to the most recent US census data available and the numbers have only grown since that census.  Well, whether you are a lady who already owns a business or you’re thinking of starting one, we know you want to have every possible advantage.  That’s why, as part of our “My Career” series, we’ve asked Donna Vieira from Chase to join us today.  Donna, good morning, thanks for being with us.

Vieira: Good morning.  It’s a pleasure to be here.

The Balancing Act: You know, it’s interesting, I just read something the other day that said that more women than ever are now starting their own businesses.  Who are these women who are taking this plunge?

Vieira: It’s women from all walks of life that are starting their businesses.  It’s really a varied path that has brought them to small business ownership and I think what binds them is really a passion to drive the growth and success of their business.

The Balancing Act: I love that passion and sometimes, with that passion can come a few mistakes, right?  What types of mistakes do you see small business owners making?

Vieira: You know, one mistake, especially when it comes to taking your business on-line, is that small business owners may be a little bit intimidated so they may shy away from it a little bit.  They think it’s expensive, you know, a lot of them know they need to get a website, but they’re just really not sure how to get started.

The Balancing Act: You know, here’s a thing I think that’s fascinating is that, isn’t having that on-line presence kind of critical and key to the success of a small business?

Vieira: It’s absolutely critical.  It really is about reaching new markets, you know, taking your business from local to global.  It’s about helping you improve your cash flow, which is critical to any business.  You know, you can set up the site to accept payments on-line and get paid much more quickly and it’s about being much more productive.  In a small business, they’re busy people, they wear multiple hats and so this can help them react more quickly by taking their business on-line.

The Balancing Act: You know, I want to circle back to something you said.  You talked about “cash flow,” ’cause with small businesses, either you’re capitalizing it yourself or you’re undercapitalized.  And so when we’re looking for solutions, we’re looking for solutions that are quick, that are easy, and that are affordable.

Vieira: Absolutely.  And, you know, with Chase, we offer instant storefront, and that allows you to easily and affordably get your business online.  It helps you to design your site and accept payments on-line, you know, very easily.  It’s all about really creating an instant storefront.

The Balancing Act: All right, so, Donna, walk me through the process.  Consider me a typical small business owner.  I don’t have an on-line presence, I know I need one, how can Chase help?

Vieira: It’s really four easy steps.  The first is getting your domain name.  Secondly, you have to design your site.  Third, it’s about, you know, getting it set up for the web hosting.  And four, setting it up to get paid on-line, and at Chase, we have an experienced customer support team to help you each and every step of the way and you’re ready to get started.

The Balancing Act: I think the big thing that people think about, though, is when you do this you’re talking lots of time, you’re talking lots of money and I know when I had my guy do it, I’m sorry, I love you, but it cost a lot of money and it took a lot of time.  But that’s not necessarily the case here and I love that.

Vieira: It’s definitely not the case here.  With this site, you can make all the changes yourself, you can design the sites, there are a variety of templates for you to choose from, simple point and click templates, but it really allows you to customize and design your site for your own personality.  You know, you’re essentially the webmaster.  You’re not outsourcing that functionality, which can get very, very expensive.  The service really allows you to make changes when you want, where you want, how often you want and at no extra cost to you.

The Balancing Act: I love that, I love this.  Where were you when I needed you?

Vieira: You should have called me.

The Balancing Act: You should have given me your number—but somebody that you did give the number to—we wanted to check in with a small business owner.  We spoke with Susan Hess Lightner.  She’s the founder of the New Jersey Wine School, where they teach wine and spirit education classes, which are a prerequisite to the master of wine.

Lightner: I have no background in technical and I’m not very tech savvy, but it was very easy for me to build the website.  What was really wonderful was that I had customer support that I could just call or e-mail at any time and they would help me.  The representatives taught me how to add products to my website, how to add sales tax to my website, different categories, as well as gathering crucial marketing data of my clients.  From start to finish, it took me about a week to really navigate and feel very comfortable and savvy with the website.

The Balancing Act: Wow!  In one week, Susan said she was up and running and I love that, but here’s the other thing that I always think about.  Okay, so, my web guy gave me access—admin access—to get in and make changes.  But, girl, I think if I go in, I’m going to crash the site, so I always leave it to him to do that.  How easy is it to go in and make any kinds of changes you want to make?

Vieira: It’s very easy.  Again, you’re in control.  You can go in and make changes when you want, how often you want, and the site offers you really all the functionality of a big site.  So you can really suit your own business.

The Balancing Act: And I love the fact that the customer support is there, too, right?

Vieira: That’s exactly right.  Chase has an experienced customer support team that will help you each and every step of the way, so you’re never alone.

The Balancing Act: I love that.  So let’s cut to the chase, no pun intended.  How do we get paid quickly and easily?  And I know that’s what a lot of small business owners are always concerned about.

Vieira: Now, with Instant Storefront from Chase, we can set it up so you can accept payments on-line from any major credit card, debit card, and PayPal.  If you have an account at Chase, in most instances, you can have those funds available the next business day.  And most importantly, the transactions are secure for you and your customers.

The Balancing Act: And now, Donna, for the $64,000 question, cost.  How expensive is it to get all of these things kind of bundled together?

Vieira: Instant Storefront is really affordable.  It’s $29.95 a month for up to a hundred items in your catalog, plus credit card processing.  There is, in most cases, no long-term contract for you to sign and there’s free telephone support to help you each and every step of the way.

The Balancing Act: You really will have to leave me your number, Donna.  Thank you so much for coming by and sharing this wonderful information this morning.

Vieira: Thank you so much.

The Balancing Act: And for more information on Instant Storefront from Chase, simply go to the website.  It’s  There’s a special offer, by the way, for viewers of “The Balancing Act,” so be sure and check it out.

The Balancing Act is the only morning show in America produced by women specifically for women. Every morning, The Balancing Act on Lifetime hosts Danielle Knox and Kristy Villa tackle the issues that face today’s woman. Popular show segments include live weather updates with Mark Mancuso, surprise celebrity visitors, and news about the latest trends affecting your life, home, career and family. The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television airs daily on Lifetime at 7 a.m. ET/PT. For more information, visit The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television’s website at

DR Marketing Group on Lifetime with Diversified Trading Institute

DR Marketing Group

DR Marketing Group

The following segment aired on Incredible Discoveries. Joining the show was Diversified Trading Institute to discuss trading stocks.

DR Marketing Group: Whether investing for retirement through a 401K or dabbling in penny stocks, the public is fascinated by the influence the stock market has on our world economy. Trading in the stock market can be a very risky, complicated job.

DTI:  Diversified Trading Institute’s Trader’s Edge educates not only active investors and traders, but also people who have been interested in the market but never knew how to get started.

DR Marketing Group: It’s perfect for traders of all levels.

DTI:  Trader’s Edge provides a powerful educational experience that market enthusiasts will benefit from and be able to use immediately.  Trader’s Edge is based on the reality of the market and over 50 years of combines experience.

DR Marketing Group: Whether you are a beginner or an advanced trader, Trader’s Edge provides guidance and instructional expertise needed to become a better trader from the short and long term.

DTI:  I’m going to tell you how you can get your edge on the stock market in an understandable way with DTI’s Trader’s Edge, 7 strategies for profitable trading. Whether on a website or online, DTI gives a comprehensive education in training not just in the U.S. markets, but in global markets as well.

DR Marketing Group: Their success is based on their experience and their methodology and the numbers prove it. Diversified Trading Institute has successfully trained thousands of traders and investors around the globe. Joining me is DTI founder and creator of Trader’s Edge – 7 Strategies for Profitable Trading, Tom Busby. How did you get started?

DTI:  Well, when I first got started I didn’t know the difference between a commodity or a stock.  Just like so many people, what I said “Hey, let me learn”, and so by educating myself I got better.  It used to take real tragic news for a stock to plummet, but now if they miss by a quarter in a quarter then stocks can get trampled, so we’re really trading on volatility, which is what is in Trader’s Edge is the way to go.

DR Marketing Group: You’re hitting a key point – news will drive the market, it will drive the big market, it will drive the small market.  So if you understand news, and we do that in Trader’s Edge, if you understand what to do when news events occur, then you’ll understand how to make money when those events occur, so what you have got to do is you just got to continue to educate yourself.

DTI:  There are lots of key ingredients that go into this, and I’ve seen it inside your books and I’ve seen it on TV, time of day, key numbers and road map indicators.

DR Marketing Group: Let’s talk about time of day because I couldn’t imagine that the average person would know the time of day could mean so much in trading on the stock markets.

DTI:  Just think about one thing that’s a common characteristic of all of us – we like to eat.  Well, we call it lunch time in America, when does it start?  Eleven o’clock central time. When does it end? One o’clock central time, so if you know that, you know the market volume is going to die down, that’s a natural thing, you know not to pay too much attention to what’s going on because a real trend is not going to resurface until we get to one o’clock central time, and then you go on what I call the California market.

DR Marketing Group: And then you’ve got people all over the country who are doing that for breakfast lunch and dinner?

DTI:  We developed a chat room and this chat room is open 24 hours a day, we got people from all over the world participating in this.

DR Marketing Group: I think that is what is so unique about this is how people get to interact with one of America’s best traders literally at their fingertips.

DTI:  I might not have all the answers, but I’ll tell you this – we’re going to give our best effort and what we’re going to do is try to stay there with the student and take them through those different levels where he can achieve his goals.

DR Marketing Group: And your website, I’ve got to give you admiration for this, it shows every trade, every day just about real time.

DTI:  You know, people are always concerned “how much money are you making”, I say don’t be concerned about how much money your making, be concerned about the risks that you’re going to take in the trade. If you worry about the risk, the rewards will take care of themselves.

DR Marketing Group: That is great stuff. Tell us more about Trader’s Edge.

DTI:  What we try to do at DTI, we take you and we’ll teach you these steps, you’ve got to understand the code of the market.  You can’t have any chance of success unless you understand that code, and through the Trader’s Edge here, we’re going to go through that step by step to give you that overview that allows you to succeed.

DR Marketing Group: This collection is simple and easy to follow, anyone can benefit from it regardless of their current knowledge of the stock market, and when it is followed it can truly work.

Marketing agency DR Marketing Group is located in Pompano Beach Florida and offers turnkey brand integration strategies. The team at DR Marketing Group specializes in direct response television production, branded entertainment, online & mobile marketing, and product distribution. For more information about DR Marketing Group, visit them online at or call 954-691-1102.


Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime with Epil-Stop

Incredible Discoveries

Incredible Discoveries

The following segment aired on Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television. Joining Incredible Discoveries was Epil-Stop to discuss hair removal.

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television: No matter where you find it, there’s only one way to take care of unwanted hair! Incredible Discoveries is proud to announce that Epil-Stop is the most sophisticated hair removal system ever created. In two quick and easy steps, Epil-Stop removes the hair using a botanically enhanced formula and conditions your skin with a revolutionary new, soothing Afterwash.

As seen on Incredible Discoveries, Epil-Stop’s advanced two-step hair removal system makes it easier, safer and more fun to get rid of unwanted hair while conditioning your skin at the same time! With an advanced formula featuring botanical aloe, shea butter and sweet almond oil, Epil-Stop is a refreshing new experience in hair removal. Incredible Discoveries shows how it is easy to apply and not only reduces hair, but make it less coarse and noticeable

Have a hairy back? You don’t have to shave it, you don’t have to put the wax on it and rip it off like they do in the movies.  Incredible Discoveries viewers can now use Epil-Stop. It’s fast, clean, easy, and makes you look good.  It mainly focuses on making sure that your skin isn’t going to be irritated or red, or have red bumps when you’re done.

The Epil-Stop system is exactly what Incredible Discoveries viewers have been looking for! Finally! Incredible Discoveries introduces A NO-Nick-Cut-Rip-Tear-Singe-Pluck-Tweeze-Rash-Burn-Scar-way to get rid of unwanted hair! It truly is the next generation in hair removal and works in as little as three minutes! It smells nice, it’s easy to use, and it works!  It’s the perfect solution to all shaving problems.  Epil-Stop really works!

Let’s talk about some other hair removal options.

Shaving. Endangering yourself on a daily basis, risking cuts, nicks, and gouges. And all for what? Just to have to go through it all again tomorrow? Epil-Stop is easier, safer and the results last longer. Even on thick, stubborn hair, Epil-Stop works quickly, easily and safely. With the Perfect Finish Neutralizing Afterwash, there’s no worry about skin sensitivity; it instantly neutralizes the remover and conditions the skin.

Waxing. It takes too much time out of your busy life and usually leaves you with those little red bumps and it hurts! Epil-Stop works in as little as three minutes so it’s fast, private and painless for everyone.

Electrolysis or Laser Treatments. These are intensive and extensive treatments that may or may not work; they take months, even years to undergo and they are also very expensive. Do you really want to spend thousands of dollars and waste hundreds of hours of your life driving to in-office appointments while still being afraid to wear your mini-skirt on Saturday without touchups? Epil-Stop takes just minutes, plus it’s economical, easy and effective.

Incredible Discoveries shows how Epil-Stop’s two-step system gets rid of hair quickly and easily for both women and men. You can apply and remove the Silky cream without ever touching it, using the special double-sided Epil-Tool. Use one side for smoothing on the cream and one side for sliding it off. It will give you the confidence to show your skin again. Let Epil-Stop put a stop to your unwanted hair. Epil-Stop’s two-step system is going to make life easier for Incredible Discoveries viewers, everywhere. It’s fast, easy, painless, economical, and private. To prove it, a woman will share her views on why she has made the switch to Epil-Stop.

Incredible Discoveries: So why don’t you tell me, what was the most important factor for you making the switch to Epil-Stop?

Woman: No more rashes.  It has an after-cream that you put on that neutralizes the chemicals.  So it’s got something that none of the rest of them have. For me, it’s all about the time.  I am a working mom.  And so, with other depilatory creams, it can take as long as ten minutes for them to work. The cream afterwards definitely let’s you know if you’ve left any of the cream on your legs.  It turns a different color. It comes in an aerosol can.  You put it on; it comes with a spatula.  Rub it on with the spatula, flip the tool around, and take it off with the rubber stop. You are done in three minutes.”

Incredible Discoveries: One of the main rules is to not use soap afterwards.  You are left with this awkward-feeling skin.  You don’t know what to do.  But now, Epil-Stop has completely made the solution with the neutralizing cream.  So it’s just perfect, isn’t it?

Woman: Absolutely. It’s a great product.

Incredible Discoveries: And Epil-Stop is economical. This makes it the perfect solution for taking care of unwanted body hair, all year long. Most hair removers are drippy and messy, and stink up your bathroom with a chemical smell. Not Epil-Stop! It’s thick and creamy, with fun and fruity fragrances. It works in as little as three minutes and the results can last up to twice as long as shaving!

This exclusive two-sided no-touch Epil-Stop Tool is an ingenious way to smooth on and slide off your hair removal cream. The applicator spatula ensures an even coverage of cream in those hard to reach spots, while keeping your hands clean. Specially designed grooves on the other end of the Epil-Stop Tool help make cream removal quick and easy. Incredible Discoveries shows how Epil-Stop works on all types of hair: fine, light, thick, dark and everything in between.

On Incredible Discoveries, see why the advanced Epil-Stop formula is strong and effective, but still gentle and skin-friendly. Epil-Stop silky cream acts as an exfoliant, removing dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. It contains moisturizers such as Aloe-Vera, Shea Butter and Sweet Almond Oil.

Most hair removers leave your skin red, irritated and bumpy. The revolutionary Perfect Finish Neutralizing Afterwash neutralizes any remaining hair removal cream on contact. The wash has a built-in pH color indicator that turns bright pink to show you where the residue is. It even gets rid of the smell that hair removers can leave behind on your skin. Then, it conditions your skin with shea butter, jojoba oil, vitamin E oil and aloe leaving your skin silky smooth, smelling clean and pH balanced.

Incredible Discoveries is a subsidiary of O2 Media Incorporated. More than just a direct response marketing firm, Incredible Discoveries also works with a variety of multimedia platforms, including social networking and web development. Incredible Discoveries offers handpicked on-air talent for each and every infomercial, video, or podcast it produces. With a staff of over 125 industry professionals, Incredible Discoveries has the right people to make things happen quickly, effectively, and with unrivaled success. Incredible Discoveries makes marketing assessable to businesses, both large and small, by offering low out-of-pocket cost in keeping every step of the production process in-house.

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime with Hyp-Yoga, Inc.

Incredible Discoveries

Incredible Discoveries

The following segment aired on Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television. Joining Incredible Discoveries was Hyp-Yoga, Inc. to discuss Hyp-Yoga 6 Week Series

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television Guests:  Carly Heline Cummings, Becky Grabner, Kim Isherwood

Incredible Discoveries on Lifetime Television: Have you tried everything to lose weight and get fit? Have you spent hundreds of dollars on gym memberships, hard to do home work-out programs and packaged food services, only to find that you look and feel the same as when you started? What if Incredible Discoveries told you that you have everything already inside of you to stay young healthy and fit for life? This is Hyp-Yoga. The next step in the evolution of fitness.

Hyp-Yoga is more than just a home workout program. That’s because you not only learn to train your body, but your mind as well. Incredible Discoveries shows you how with Hyp-Yoga your mind will learn how to achieve the calm relaxed state needed to help your body shed unwanted pounds and inches. In just minutes a day, Incredible Discoveries guarantees you will begin to make the positive changes needed for optimum health and fitness.

From all appearances, it looks as if people are simply performing traditional yoga, a great way to strengthen and stretch your body. But, in truth they are doing much more than that. These people are performing an exercise routine called Hyp-Yoga. Hyp-Yoga is the next step in fitness evolution, combining a unique mind to body regimen that works you on the inside as well as the outside. Helping you to lose pounds and inches, tightening and strengthening your muscles and perhaps most importantly helping you to de-stress, which will help you to start burning fat as energy for your daily activities. Putting you on the right path for total mind to body health.

Now, here to help Incredible Discoveries understand what Hyp-Yoga is, we welcome the founder of Hyp-Yoga herself, Carly Heline Cummings, along with her co-founders, Becky Grabner and Kim Isherwood.

Incredible Discoveries: Now, Carly, why “Hyp-Yoga”?

Carly: Well, Hyp-Yoga is a true blend of mind to body fitness. No matter what form of diet or exercise you choose to do in order to lose weight and get in shape, if you want to succeed, you need to be in the right frame of mind, that is, you need to enjoy what you’re doing and focus on the goals you would like to meet. Hyp Yoga combines what I feel are the two most powerful fitness tools we can use for success, Yoga and Hypnosis.

Incredible Discoveries: How does Hyp Yoga actually work?

Carly: Hyp-Yoga works because we teach you how to focus your mind on what your body actually wants.

Incredible Discoveries: The people we have here today, they are not simply going through the motions of yoga; they are making positive changes in their minds.

Becky: For instance, this position they are in called “tree pose”. Someone performing regular yoga, can get into this position, it is not hard at all, and if they stand like this long enough, they will begin to feel it.

Incredible Discoveries: I’ve done that pose.  Most of the time, all I can think of is when will they let me put my arms down.

Carly: Exactly. But with Hyp-Yoga, we add visualization to this pose.  We have you tune your mind into the positive changes you’re presently making in this pose.  We teach you how to visualize your ideal body.  And because your mind is so powerful, your body will start to respond by gaining strength and burning calories.

Incredible Discoveries: Hyp-Yoga sounds so simple, but is anything really that easy?

Becky: Hyp-Yoga is simple, that’s an important thing to remember. Hyp-Yoga is the perfect form of exercise regardless of what shape you’re in, how old you are or even your fitness level. Carly, Kim, and I are all real women with real bodies.  Carly is in her 20’s, Kim is in her 40’s, and I am in my 50’s.  Even I can do it!

Kim: That’s the key, because every thought or idea in your mind has a corresponding physical reaction in your body.  In other words, you are and will become what you think.

For instance, if you constantly tell yourself you are overweight or fat, you will either stay overweight or you will become overweight if you are not already. Your body will organically morph into what you think of yourself. It would be wise, knowing this, to only think positive, powerful thoughts that can bring you closer to your ideal self.

Incredible Discoveries: The Hyp-Yoga 6 Week Weight Loss System centers around Hyp-Yoga’s revolutionary work out DVDs. Workout One on The first DVD in the Hyp-Yoga 6 Week Weight Loss System is called “Mind Body and Spirit” and introduces you to the basics of what Hyp-Yoga is all about. This easy to follow introductory workout is designed for everyone, regardless of your fitness level or whether or not you’ve ever practiced yoga before.

Carly: By using the Hyp-Yoga Program, your body will start feeling younger, leaner and more energized as you learn to let it rest and repair itself. You will keep create new healthy behaviors that will stick because you will be subconsciously motivated by the beneficial suggestions and encouragements you will receive when you perform Hyp-Yoga.

More importantly, your mind will learn how to bring itself to a relaxed, calm state where your body will have the chance to make the positive changes it desperately needs to keep you healthy and energized.

Incredible Discoveries is a subsidiary of O2 Media Incorporated. More than just a direct response marketing firm, Incredible Discoveries also works with a variety of multimedia platforms, including social networking and web development. Incredible Discoveries offers handpicked on-air talent for each and every infomercial, video, or podcast it produces. With a staff of over 125 industry professionals, Incredible Discoveries has the right people to make things happen quickly, effectively, and with unrivaled success. Incredible Discoveries makes marketing assessable to businesses, both large and small, by offering low out-of-pocket cost in keeping every step of the production process in-house.