January 15, 2025

Climate Change Defined

The term “climate modification” is not a term commonly used by scientists any longer. This is because it is now generally understood that changes to the environment will effectively increase the temperature in many places on earth, at the same time causes the temperature in other locations to cool. Therefore, what has in the past been referred to as climate modification is now known generally as global climate change. And many scientists believe that the global climate is warming.

Let us offer a simple definition for climate change as it relates to the global warming. The clearest and most accurate definition of  climate change involves the description of the effect that greenhouse gases have on the climate of our world. Greenhouse gases are partly made up of carbon dioxide and methane.

We must first understand that climate change is both a naturally occurring state, and it is also man-made. In other words, greenhouse gases are a natural part of the biosphere and they would exist even if there was no human habitation on the planet. They are actually a critical and necessary part of life on earth. If they didn’t exist, the temperature on our world would actually average around zero degrees! It is naturally occurring gases that the temperature at a much more temperate average of 59 degrees.

So, if we determine that climate change occurs naturally, why is there so much fuss about global warming? The problem is not the existence of greenhouse gases, but their volume in the atmosphere. These gases act much like thermal blankets for the atmosphere. As the volume of gas increases, the thicker the blanket and the less heat escapes. Over the last century, humankind has been pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. At the same time, massive deforestation has occurred — and with it, the primary source to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. This is what is causing overall world temperatures to rise.

So, what can we expect as our planet heats up? Well, for one, the glaciers are beginning to shrink. Glacier National Park may well have to be renamed since it has seen a sixty-five percent reduction of all of its glaciers! While we may not yet be able to determine the exact end results of these changes to our world’s environment, it’s reasonable to expect something major to be evident in the century ahead.

Computers and Your Child

Beginning kindergarten in this millenium is very different from what it was even twenty years ago.  Children today are much more aware of the adult world around them, they are much more sophisticated and certainly they are more aware of technology and the internet than was imaginable even a few years ago when they were born.  It becomes essential to take these changes into consideration as a child approaches the first day of school, because there is really no part of his or her life that will be unaffected by computers and technology.

You can begin by visiting the school and talk to the child’s teacher. Understand that it’s not a matter of a school forcing students to learn about cyberspace.  Schools are simply utilizing the internet to teach children, since students begin school already acquainted with computers and the world wide web.  In most any kindergarten class, there are dozens of computers, giving students access to the internet and allowing them to use the internet for anything from research to communications to playing games — even exploring the galaxies.

Much is written today about the dangers of the internet. These concerns are certainly real, and many times accurate reflect a particular situation. But the internet also offers tremendous resources to educators, and a savvy teacher will take advantage of what the internet offers, taking students to wonderful new places using safe and carefully prepared web sites that enhance education.

It’s important to be aware of what your child already knows about computers and the internet. If you allow your child access to a computer at home, and permission to wander around the internet, she may have been exposed to much more than you ever planned.  Initiating a conversation with your child or by sitting at the computer and exploring some basic web sites together, you can gauge her level of skill and knowledge.  In this context, there may be times you as the parent will be teaching her as the child and then roles may reverse and she will be the teacher and you the student learning things that even very young children already know about the online world.

Be sure when you begin to allow your child access to the internet that you have also put protections in place.  Create a protected, specific account on your computer just for your child and make sure that it is heavily restricted. There are excellent tools available (“net nannies”) that protect children from accidentally going to sites they should not see. You can even set up a set list of restricted web sites to protect them further.

Helping your child build savvy internet search skills will jump start him or her into the modern world of school.  Other computer skills will also assist in developing higher efficiency, even in this very basic level of schooling at kindergarten.  If you open the world of email and IMing to your child — on kid safe web sites where conversations are with other children only, a five year old will actually learn typing skills through these online conversations with other kids.

Another tool to consider is an office suite; an important tool set to begin teaching your student, even in elementary school. Learning to use the powerful resources of Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint will give your child ways to complete school assignments. And because they are on the computer they will think it’s more fun — and it’s so much more efficient than the old pencil and notebook method.

By thinking like a twenty-first century parent, you can begin as early as their kindergarten year to see your child’s school experience as one that will be greatly influenced by proficient computer skills and the internet.  By effectively equipping your child to be ready to use those tools from day one at kindergarten, your child will begin school farther ahead and be better equipped to achieve greater success throughout the education process.

Achieving Successful Asset Management Growth

Asset management growth is widely acknowledged as one of the primary goals of a business or company. When this is achieved, the industry has reached the point of successful asset management, and is at the point of general growth and improvement. Asset management growth also indicates that a business has chosen the proper approach, a system that works compatibly with those already existing within the company.

Asset management is even more important in this new millenium. Long past are the days of manual work; the effective administration of assets in today’s world includes multiple diverse and complex database systems and business that relies on accurate and timely information.

What is included in effective asset management?

Asset management should be one of the most critical strategies adopted by any industry. However, it is futile to speak of asset management merely as a tangible process. Business and industry today relies heavily on technological systems and data maintenance. Thus, in order to assure maximum effectiveness, both hardware and software assets must be managed well.

Essentially, asset management must make room for the effective organization of production, facilities, transportation, and even digital assets. Budgeting, procurement, maintenance, and depreciation calculation of a company’s fixed assets must be addressed with value maximized and projected cost minimization kept in the forefront. Solutions being offered across the board to various industries have organizational modules on managing assets, human resources, materials, and software.

Successful management systems offer tools for improvement on assets return and lowering costs of asset ownership. These systems also provide assistance in license compliance and promote enhanced security. Particularly important to companies with different branches in several locations, a good asset management solution must have provide tracking for both physical or intangible assets.

The growth goals of asset management

Successful asset management must be able to achieve several goals. Most importantly, it should assist industry managers to maximize the best use of assets. It should also pinpoint assets that require additional attention, and which assets are not producing. Simply put, asset management focuses on the ability to bring about greater value from the assets of the company. It also works to achieve more competitive performance and productivity.

Asset management tools should also provide effective curtailment of asset ownership and the calculation of asset-related risks. The tools should insure accurate inventory control and data storage. Wise decision making in asset management is essential, especially when considering the reality of consistently shifting technology and cutthroat competition.

Why asset management is essential for organizational growth

Effective asset management also requires successful utilization of both the physical and intangible assets of any organization. Such asset management caters to various disciplines, which include those as wide-ranging as administration and engineering, and from production to information management.

With such successful asset management, company growth is nearly guaranteed. Both labor and production become more efficient, downtime on equipment and facilities are minimized, and the total cost of fixed asset ownership is significantly reduced. A business is then able to pinpoint any areas that need improvement, seeking assistance from various management solution providers to utilize helpful management tools.

Asset management growth is not an easy goal to achieve, nor will it happen overnight. Asset management will continue to shift and evolve, and successful industry managers will understand this. It is only then that the most favorable results for the entire organization will be realized.

Saving Money on Your Next Camping Trip

Are you planning a camping trip in the near future?  Whether it’s a family vacation, camping trip or just a romantic getaway, it’s likely that you have concerns about the costs. And though camping is usually assumed to be an affordable recreational activity, it is still possible for camping to get expensive.  So if you are planning a camping trip, but want to keep the costs to a minimum, you need to read these tips.

When it comes to saving money on your next camping trip, there are several approaches that you can take. One possibility is to consider how you plan to camp. For example, will you stay in a recreational vehicle or will you camp in a tent?  As comfortable as RV camping is, it can be quite expensive. Gasoline costs add up quickly for an RV, since it’s not as efficient as a car or even a pickup.  If you are considering the purchase of a recreational vehicle, it is important to know that tent camping is much cheaper than buying an RV or even renting one.

Another way to save money is to carefully buy the camping equipment.  If you have previously camped, you may already have most of the needed camping equipment, like tents, sleeping bags, and coolers.  If you do need to purchase equipment, search for discount camping stores or find a sale at a department store.  You may even be able to borrow some of the more expensive camping equipment items from a friend or a family member.

And don’t forget that standard equipment will likely be adequate. You’ll want to purchase a waterproof tent that is large enough to be comfortable, but the design shouldn’t have to matter.  If you are set on buying a fancy tent or sleeping bag, you might be able to save a large amount of money by going with standard items instead.  Buying used camping equipment will also be much more cheaper. Great finds can be had at yard sales or go online to find items at auction websites.

Consumable supplies that you will need for your next camping trip include food, snacks, and drinks. Given enough advance planning, you can watch grocery store sale flyers and begin stocking up on supplies that you will need. Most chips, cookies, crackers, frozen meats and drinks will stay good for at least several months.  So buy these items on sale and then store them away for your camping trip. This will ensure that you save a considerable amount of money on your vacation.

Another one of the many ways that you can save money on your next camping trip is by researching options to explore campground parks. In the United States, you can find an unlimited number of campground parks to choose from. Selecting a less expensive, more affordable campground park is a great way to save money on your next trip. Usually the more access to activities like boating, fishing, swimming and hiking that a campsite offers, the more costly it will be.

These are just a few ways to save money on your next vacation.

Teaching the Kids About Credit

Often times, credit card trouble derives from nothing more than forgetting how credit card debt can sneak up on you.  The first time you maxed out a card and then dealt with the overwhelming task of paying off the charges in order to get back on solid financial footing, it was difficult and yet a valuable lesson.  Going through this experience, attending the school of hard knocks, teaches that it’s easier to prevent credit card debt than to recover, once you’ve gotten into trouble.

Of course, one of the most valuable results about acquiring such hard won knowledge is that you can pass it along to your children.  So just how do you help your kids establish a good foundation with their credit and help them learn how to use it responsibly?  Your children depend on you as their parent to teach them how to function as a responsible adult.

The first thing to remember is that effectively teaching your children to use credit effectively is not the same thing as preventing them from acquiring credit.  The reality is that the opposite is true.  Responsibly handling a credit card is just as essential a tool for modern living as owning a car or a cell phone.  In fact, sending a child out into the world without a working credit card and a respectable credit rating beginning to build; without training them to use credit is actually irresponsible parenting.  It is nearly the same as sending a child into battle without a weapon to defend himself.  Credit is essential but the wise use of credit is even more important.

A parent can help their child understand the basics of good credit by providing them with a credit card as early as high school.  Even if a parent pays the bills, this will educate them in using a card responsibly to pay for necessities, and a parent can track of the child’s spending from the monthly bills.  If the credit card is in the child’s name and gets paid off each month, the child will build up a good credit rating.  Consider it another one of the many legacies you are passing along to your kids.

In order to make sure that a child doesn’t spend irresponsibly, work with the credit card company — set a credit limit for the child’s spending each month. That way, if they overspend and suddenly cannot buy lunch because they abused their credit, several hours of going hungry will teach them much more than a week of lectures about fiscal responsibility.

It’s also important to make sure your child is aware that your paying their bills is a privilege and that they are fortunate to be able to start their independent life in this way.  Then give them three responsibilities they must complete to show they are worthy of this privilege.

Tell your child that he must save all receipts of every purchase made.  If they purchase an item and forget to ask for a receipt, tell them that they must make one.

Require them to maintain a ledger of spending.   Like a checkbook ledger, it should be filled in every time they buy something and a running total kept up-to-date.   If an expense is not entered, they will be required to pay that amount back to you or possibly lose their credit card privilege.

Sit down with your child once each week and go over the credit card bill. Have them explain item by item about each entry. Practicing these simple habits over several months will teach your child how to keep track of, monitor and be aware of their spending on a credit card.  In that way, when they are ready to start their adult life, they will not only have the credit necessary, but will also be able to wisely use that credit.

Purchasing the Perfect Fishing Boat

The weatherman has predicted a beautiful day. It’s almost sunrise and the air is crisp. When your alarm goes off you rise, pack your tackle box, grab your pole and stop by the corner market to purchase some worms. On the way to the fishing dock you daydream about owning the perfect fishing boat and taking off across the lake for the day.  Here are some easy tips for finding and purchasing the perfect fishing boat – and experiencing your dream turning into reality!

Before you begin, you should have a clear understanding of why you want to own a fishing boat, and what you will use it for. Obviously the boat will be enjoyed for fishing, but do you want to fish on ocean saltwater, or on freshwater lakes? Will you just be making daytime trips or do you plan to stay overnight? If you do plan to stay in your boat overnight, make sure to purchase a boat with a hull which will allow you to ride the waves comfortably and safely.

A good buying plan will also include a clear understanding of your budget. Boats can be extremely expensive items. Sit down and take a comprehensive look at your finances and know what you can afford — before you start shopping for a boat. Boats with hulls for overnight stays and rough waters are obviously more expensive than small boats for small lakes. It’s wise to know your budget before beginning to look, and to stick with it.

You should read and completely understand the boat warranty fully before signing on the dotted line. A warranty can be your best friend or it can be your worst nightmare. Choose a reputable dealer who will offer you adequate coverage in the event of a defect or problem with your boat. You don’t want to end up having to pay huge amounts to fix your boat because you forgot to check out the warranties!

It’s also important that your boat comes with the proper certification. The National Marine Manufacturer’s Association (NMMA ) is an organization that tests and certifies boats that are manufactured by various companies. The NMMA only certifies those boats that pass their rigorous testing and a certification offered by the NMMA will give you the assurance of quality construction.

Also, just like automobiles, boats must be registered. This will cost money, so you should research this and be ready to purchase the license. And then to finalize your preparations and push off from the dock, don’t forget to stock your boat with life jackets, brand new fishing gear, food and a cooler for snacks and refreshments. And then go do some fishing!