February 22, 2025

Missed Fortune: Why Insurance Companies Are Safe

Douglas Andrew

Douglas Andrew

Missed Fortune’s Douglas Andrew knows the financial uncertainties many are experiencing today. Through the Missed Fortune workshops and books, Douglas Andrew explains the importance of liquidity, safety, and rate of return in investments. Today, the Missed Fortune founder talks to Interviewing Experts about the insurance industry and how it manages to survive through every economic downturn.

Interviewing Experts: In the Missed Fortune educational materials, you talk about insurance companies having a high rate of return. Can you explain what that means?

Douglas Andrew: On many of the general account portfolios that we review, there will be a yield that turns over very slowly. Last fall, I was visiting a particular insurance company in Minnesota. They were reporting on the two trillion dollars worth of assets they manage.

Interviewing Experts: Two trillion?

Douglas Andrew: Two trillion. Do you know that’s the amount the Federal government collects in income tax a year? And this institution, which has far fewer employees, manages two trillion dollars.

Interviewing Experts: Even in this economy?

Douglas Andrew: In this low interest environment, where many business and investors are struggling, this particular company has a portfolio rate of about 6.18 percent.

Interviewing Experts: But aren’t interest rates relative?

Douglas Andrew: Yes. For example, back in the 80s, I was earning on my conservative insurance contracts amounts in the 13 percent range.

Interviewing Experts: That was a different time, though.

Douglas Andrew: At that time inflation was 10 percent and CDs and banks were paying at ten.

Interviewing Experts: The insurance company you’re describing was paying 6.18 percent in this low-interest environment, though.

Douglas Andrew: They were paying 6.18 percent and they used about one percent of that for their overhead.

Interviewing Experts: So this particular insurance company provided a high rate of return…

Douglas Andrew: Even in this environment, Missed Fortune found that a consumer could have a net rate of a return of about 5.2 percent.

Interviewing Experts: And that’s tax-free?

Douglas Andrew: Yes, that would be tax-free. That money is in a liquid environment, safely and predictably earning a good rate of return, which, as anyone who is familiar with the Missed Fortune workshops and educational materials knows, is the crux of my message.

Interviewing Experts: Can you explain what you mean by “LASER?”

Douglas Andrew: LASER is liquidity, safety, and rate of return.

Interviewing Experts: You mention in your Missed Fortune workshops that the insurance business is less risky.

Douglas Andrew: Insurance companies are professionals at managing risk. Missed Fortune has found that because of this, insurance companies always maintain liquidity of principal.

Interviewing Experts: This has been great advice, Mr. Andrew. Thanks for speaking with us today.

Missed Fortune’s Douglas Andrew provides financial strategies to clients throughout the U.S. For more information on Douglas Andrew and Missed Fortune, visit www.missedfortune.com.

Missed Fortune Author Discusses His Personal Experience with Liquidity

Missed Fortune (missedfortune.com) helps individuals create liquidity from their real estate equity through time-tested strategies. Douglas Andrew and his team of professionals work with Missed Fortune clients to increase liquidity and rate of return on assets. Andrew recently spoke to Interviewing Experts about his own personal experience that propelled him to write the national bestseller, Missed Fortune, and its follow-up, Missed Fortune 101 in an effort to help others.

Interviewing Experts: Thank you for speaking with us today, Mr. Andrew. In your Missed Fortune books and workshops, you refer to the “Laser Test.” Can you tell us a little about that?

Douglas Andrew: I sure can. In this context, “Laser” stands for “Liquid Assets Safely Earning Returns.” This is an important concept that I’ve emphasized in all of my workshops, and this acronym allows my attendees and readers to remember these steps in that exact order.

Interviewing Experts: When you refer to “liquidity” in your Missed Fortune workshops and videos, what exactly does that mean?

Douglas Andrew: Liquidity simply refers to the ability to get to your money when you need it. Missed Fortune has found that many individuals, businesses, financial institutions, and even governmental entities get into trouble when they lack liquidity.

Interviewing Experts: In other words, you mean money that an individual or organization can’t access, like a 401(k) or real estate equity.

Douglas Andrew: Exactly.

Interviewing Experts: Prior to developing Missed Fortune, you had a personal experience that helped you learn the value of liquidity, is that correct?

Douglas Andrew: Yes. When my wife and I built our first dream home, we moved in without using any of our own money. The home appraised for double what we paid for it, so we thought we had it made.

Interviewing Experts: Did you make extra mortgage payments?

Douglas Andrew: No, as I describe in my Missed Fortune workshops, I learned early on that the key to getting out of debt is not by paying extra principal payments.

Interviewing Experts: Many people don’t realize that.

Douglas Andrew: I’ve also never paid a down payment for any real estate I’ve acquired. This is advice I go into in more detail in several of the Missed Fortune educational videos.

Interviewing Experts: With that third home, you fell into some hard times, as you describe in the Missed Fortune videos.

Douglas Andrew: Unfortunately, yes. The energy crisis hit homeowners hard in the early 80s and that, combined with some events in our lives at the time, caused us to fall behind on our mortgage payments. We decided to put our home on the market but, as many Americans know all too well, it wouldn’t sell quickly enough.

Interviewing Experts: I’m sure many homeowners today can relate to that in this current economy.

Douglas Andrew: Eventually, the home went into foreclosure, which taught me a valuable lesson. As I explain in the Missed Fortune videos and workshops, personal experiences in life can either make you bitter or make you better.

Interviewing Experts: These lessons led to the advice you give today.

Douglas Andrew: Through Missed Fortune, I help others understand what I learned, which is that real estate equity, when it’s trapped in a property, is not liquid when you need to get to it. We have created a series of videos that teach these principals, and your readers can learn more by visiting our website at www.missedfortune.com or www.youtube.com/missedfortune

Interviewing Experts: We appreciate your taking the time to chat with us today.

Douglas Andrew: The pleasure is indeed mine.