February 22, 2025

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon Discusses Certification Processes for Kosher Gelatin

KSA-Kosher-GelatinAccording to Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon, gelatin is one of the most complex food products introduced for kosher certification. Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon attributes the confusion about kosher gelatin to the various definitions provided by American companies and certification agencies. Below, Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon helps to explain the different food sources of gelatin.

Q: Where is gelatin derived?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Gelatin is typically derived from collagen in the bones and skin of animals. It can also be produced from the skins of kosher cattle.

Q: Kosher gelatin is not vegetarian then.

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: For vegetarians, both kosher and non-kosher gelatin presents issues. In some cases, gelatin is considered vegetarian.

Q: How so?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Kosher gelatin can be produced using vegetarian sources such as agar-agar, Japanese isinglass, carrageenan and Irish moss.

Q: What kinds of animals are used in the production?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Manufacturers never produce kosher gelatin made from pigs or any other non-kosher animals.

Q: What about fish?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Certain kinds of shallow-water fish or shellfish are strictly forbidden. However, deep-water fish is permissible for the production of kosher gelatin.

Q: Have manufacturers maintained observance of kosher laws?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Most manufacturers who produce kosher gelatin have used substitutes.

Q: What are some of these substitutes?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Substitutes include seaweed-based products or fish-bone gelatin. Further, kosher milk chocolate has, at times, been produced using kosher beef gelatin.

Q: How is this possible given kosher laws?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Kosher laws prohibit the production or consumption of milk and meat together; however, the processing of gelatin and milk, according to some opinions, may be acceptable for consumption.

Q: What are the health benefits of kosher gelatin?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: Kosher gelatin has several health benefits; it is fat-free, sugar-free and an excellent product for strong bones.

Q: Is kosher gelatin appealing to the general public?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: It’s actually an essential ingredient in many delicious dishes.

Q: Tell us more.

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: For example, kosher gelatin is found in desserts such as no-bake cheesecakes, chocolate mousses, chiffons, parfaits and custard gels that are popular with kosher and non-kosher consumers.

Q: How is gelatin sold in the supermarket?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: In the past, gelatin was only available in large packages. However, gelatin is now sold in consumer-sized servings for use in home baking and cooking.

Q: Has KSA experienced any issues with kosher certification for gelatin?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: The problem in most cases is that different companies and agencies have not clearly defined what kosher gelatin truly means.

Q: How should the kosher consumer approach kosher gelatin?

Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon: The kosher consumer must examine an agency’s policies and what specific certifications mean. For example, each product submitted to KSA undergoes rigorous testing so that the consumer is assured of its quality.

 Rabbi Binyomin Lisbon is the top administrator of Kosher Supervision of America (KSA), which currently ranks as the leading kosher certification agency in the Western United States.

KSA Kosher Explains Its Impact on the Kosher Industry

KSA KosherKosher Supervision of America (KSA Kosher) is an agency located in the western part of the United States. KSA Kosher is the largest and most renowned kosher certification in the country. According to the team at KSA, kosher sales continue to grow across the U.S. at a significant rate.  

Interviewing-Experts: What exactly is “KSA Kosher?”

KSA Kosher: KSA Kosher is a certification agency that approves products for kosher labeling in supermarket chains, restaurants and other venues where food is sold. All foods with the KSA Kosher label are in good standing after undergoing a rigorous examination.

Interviewing-Experts: Where else can KSA Kosher certified products be seen?

KSA Kosher: Independent grocers, hotel chains, food manufacturers and bakeries also sell food that is certified by KSA.

Interviewing-Experts: How well known is KSA Kosher?

KSA Kosher: We are one of the major agencies in the United States, earning praise from numerous synagogues and rabbis both domestically and internationally.

Interviewing-Experts: Does KSA Kosher have a defined mission?

KSA Kosher: Yes, definitely. We are committed to providing the KSA Kosher certification to food items so they may be consumed by individuals who follow Jewish dietary law.

Interviewing-Experts: Can you explain further?

KSA Kosher: Our goal is to assure consumers that all equipment and ingredients utilized to process a food product will meet strict kosher standards.

Interviewing-Experts: Do you think the general public believes kosher certified products are safer?

KSA Kosher: Yes, we do. Given the strict rules of staying kosher, along with the close supervision by rabbis, many consumers assume that products with a kosher label possess an added supervision and set of eyes watching the preparation of the product and are less likely to undergo micro-biological contamination.

Interviewing-Experts: Why would a food not be considered kosher?

KSA Kosher: Reasons vary as to why a particular food may not be considered kosher. Most importantly is the species of animal, fish, or its by-product.

Interviewing-Experts: What else?

KSA Kosher: Other possible reason would include incorrect processing or slaughtering practices, blending of dairy and meat items, or the usage of non-kosher ingredients.

Interviewing-Experts: How many kosher food products are produced annually?

KSA Kosher: More than $30 billion in kosher foods are produced annually in the United States.

Interviewing-Experts: How much business will the kosher industry do each year?

KSA Kosher: More than 8 million people specifically look for the kosher label while grocery shopping. This results in nearly $3 billion in kosher food sales annually.

Interviewing-Experts: That’s quite a large figure!

KSA Kosher: And the annual rate is growing about 15 percent each year. This compares to just a 1-2 percent increase across the entire food industry. For most people, the term “kosher” truly means that the food is a quality product prepared with care.

Interviewing-Experts: Where are the KSA Kosher offices located?

KSA Kosher: KSA is based out of Los Angeles, but satellite offices are found throughout the world.

Interviewing-Experts: Does KSA monitor food production?

KSA Kosher: KSA staff members regularly visits facilities where kosher products are made to ensure accuracy.

Interviewing-Experts: What are inspectors looking for?

KSA Kosher: Inspectors will investigate the production to see that all food sources are exactly the same and continues to meet all kosher production regulations.

Interviewing-Experts: No substitutions?

KSA Kosher: Absolutely no substitutions are allowed without prior approval from the KSA office to ensure it meets Kosher regulations.

Interviewing-Experts: Who generally makes these inspections?

KSA Kosher: There are rabbis located in various areas around the world who oversee this process.

For more information on the KSA Kosher philosophy, visit their website at ksakosher.com.