February 22, 2025

1st Loan Modification of America – Highlights of a Good Home Inspection

As a representative for American homeowners, 1st Loan Modification of America recommends a thorough accountability in the home inspection process, as its effects of the transfer of a home can be great. Following are several components that 1st Loan Modification of America advises homeowners to seek in a home inspection.

To begin, emphasizes 1st Loan Modification of America, it is important to seek out a home inspector who can demonstrate education, experience, and professional affiliation. Check the State licensing board or the Better Business Bureau for a complaint history on prospective companies. Also, 1st Loan Modification of America warns prospective homeowners not to let price be a determining factor. The old saying still holds: “You often get what you pay for” in this arena.

Getting a house tested for radon levels is also high on 1st Loan Modification of America’s list. Radon is a radioactive, cancer-producing gas, a by-product from the decay of underlying rock formations. 1st Loan Modification of America cautions that radon levels may vary according to season, barometric pressure, and other factors, so it is always recommended that further testing be conducted once a homeowner occupies the house.

In addition, 1st Loan Modification of America notes that a termite inspection is essential. Many home inspectors offer pest inspections in addition to the standard home inspection, so 1st Loan Modification of America suggests that as a good place to begin. Pest inspections may also screen for carpenter ants, powder post beetles, and carpenter bees — all wood-destroying organisms.

Septic systems are frequently not part of a home inspection but are a major cost component of the house and1st Loan Modification of America recommends that they be inspected prior to purchase. Septic system replacement can range from under ten to over thirty thousand dollars, so 1st Loan Modification of America encourages prospective homeowners to visit the local board of health for further information about the house, the area, and the average life and replacement costs of neighboring systems.

For more information contact 1st Loan Modification of America, LLC at 702-227-9660 or email 1st Loan Modification of America at modifications@1stloanmodificationnow.com.