February 22, 2025

Writing an E-book | Part Two

Set the stage. This is a simple concept,  but it’s often overlooked. The first step in writing a book of any kind is to decide on the book’s working title. Take some time to contemplate what your topic will be, and then jot down several titles that come to mind. As you write, you will probably find that one of the ideas will begin to grow on you. Deciding on a working title will also help you to focus your writing more specifically on the chosen topic.

Titles help to guide you in anticipating and answering your reader’s queries. It’s common for non-fiction books to have a sub-title as well. The title should clearly communicate what the book is about, but don’t forget that a catchy and clever title is very useful to help sell an e-book! The title should get a reader’s attention without being overly “cute”. A good title might look like this: Cure Your Insomnia: Fifteen Ways to Count Sheep.

Next, write out a thesis statement. The thesis is a concise sentence or two that states what you believe and how you will prove your position. Once you’ve crafted a thesis statement and it’s fine-tuned, then you’ve got a strong foundation for the rest of the e-book. From there your book will grow, chapter by chapter.

Return to your thesis often. This will keep you focused during the entire writing process. Don’t forget that all of the chapters must support your thesis statement. If they don’t, then they should be re-written or thrown out. Going back to our original example of a working title about insomnia, your thesis statement might be: Nearly everyone suffers from insomnia at times, but there are fifteen proven techniques to help you get a good night’s sleep.

Read More: Writing An E-book Part Three


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