March 9, 2025

Joseph Merlo on the Three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse – Joseph Merlo

Joseph Merlo on the Three R’s: Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse

As the founder and CEO of Energy Automation Systems (EASI), Joseph Merlo‘s research has demonstrated that Americans throw out over 700 billion pounds of recyclable trash every year. This wasted material includes paper, wood, food, plastic, metal, clothes, and electronics. Joseph Merlo says that nearly all of these materials could be recycled and returned into our society’s culture of use. Dealing with these mountains of trash may seem overwhelming, but Joseph Merlo wants America to know that there are easy ways for people to make a difference. Here are some ideas that Joseph Merlo, CEO of Energy Automation Systems, has gathered.

Break old habits. Joseph Merlo says that instead of buying beverages in cans that you might not recycle, buy items in bulk. From beverages to household cleaning items, buying in bulk reduces the amount of packaging that must be disposed of later.

Joseph Merlo says that most of the work of conservation is in learning to think differently about every day tasks. A little imagination can go a long way, notes Joseph Merlo. For example, rather than grabbing a morning newspaper every day, try reading the online version of your daily paper rather than the print version.

Keep things loose, suggests Joseph Merlo. Buy small hardware, like screws and nails, from bulk bins rather than individually packaged half dozens. Joseph Merlo asserts that this is a great way to cut down on packaging waste. Same goes for the grocery store. Buy foods in bulk to reduce packaging waste.

Bring your own bags to the stores and reuse them as often as possible. Joseph Merlo suggests keeping a cache of old bags, either canvas or just some plastic bags you’ve salvaged, in the trunk of your car. This way, says Joseph Merlo, you’re never caught without bags when you go shopping.

Buy detergents and other household cleaning supplies in concentrated or bulk form. Joseph Merlo, CEO of Energy Automation Systems, points out that concentrated cleaning products use much less packaging material. Concentrated detergents, adds Joseph Merlo, contain less water, use less plastic, and use less energy to transport to the store. These days a 32-ounce bottle of concentrated detergent can clean as much as a 100-ounce bottle of non-concentrated detergent.

Teach yourself new habits, encourages Joseph Merlo. Make the decision to choose reusable products as often as possible. Try cloth napkins during meals instead of paper napkins. Use sponges and washcloths rather than paper towels. When you go into your favorite cafe in the morning for your caffeine fix, says Joseph Merlo, bring your own mug.

Get smart about the energy you use. Joseph Merlo suggests switching to rechargeable batteries. Rechargeable batteries make less garbage and keep poisonous metals out of the environment. Buy Energy Star rated appliances and equipment with warranty coverage.

These simple tips and hints from Joseph Merlo are meant as a springboard for your own conservation efforts. Remember, working together, one day at a time, we can save the environment.


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