February 18, 2025

ANY LAB TEST NOW Recommends STD Testing – Even if You’re Symptom Free



When it comes to Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), the staff at ANY LAB TEST NOW® knows that symptom free does not necessarily mean disease free, and that STDs can only be detected through laboratory testing, such as tests offered by ANY LAB TEST NOW. STD testing at ANY LAB TEST NOW is anonymous, confidential and comprehensive. The ANY LAB TEST NOW professionals explain that, left untreated, infected people not only put others at risk but may also suffer related health complications or even death.

By using the convenient walk-in services of ANY LAB TEST NOW to test for STDs, there’s no need to prolong the stress of not knowing. Even if your ANY LAB TEST NOW screening indicates that you test positive, the good news is that many STDs are treatable. Early detection by a lab test can also help in treatment. Because ANY LAB TEST NOW does not make diagnoses or treat conditions, results should be taken to your physician to discuss treatment options. The ANY LAB TEST NOW results will give you the knowledge with which you can take control of your health. [Read more…]

Chiro8000 Software Strategies for Chiropractors: Managing and Scheduling Employees

“I am definitely going to take a course on time management… just as soon as I can work it into my schedule.” Sound familiar? The Chiro8000 team wants you to imagine all the steps you could take to build your practice and make time for personal and family relationships, if only you had the time and strategy to implement them. Chiro8000 says, “Someday could be today!”

A valuable tool that can relieve overload in a chiropractic office is patient relationship software Chiro8000. However, before you make the move to switch to the Chiro8000, you need to know that it’s not just about buying the product, taking it out of the box, and installing it. It is important when making the switch to Chiro8000 to understand its comprehensive strategies for managing and scheduling employees, along with assisting in all aspects of practice management.

Chiro8000 software stands out in today’s competitive market place. It’s true that there are many choices out there, but the wise chiropractor will approach the process with clear-cut ideas of the problems that need to be solved. Rather than select the first product that a web search might produce, having a specific set of criteria will be invaluable in making a purchase that provides long-term benefit while being cost effective.

The team at Chiro8000 has compiled a useful list of the questions to ask before making a software purchase.

• What problems do you wish to solve?

• What aspects of your practice do you consider operating in an inefficient way?

• What are your budget constraints?

• How much time will it take to learn a new system?

The team at Chiro8000 points out that when you nail those answers down, you will be ready to make a knowledgeable product choice. Having the right strategy to help you manage the scheduling aspects of your practice will assist you in meeting your goals.

Chiro8000 is a company with over twenty years experience providing software solutions for chiropractors. With established methods of feedback, suggestions, and working through technical issues, the Chiro8000 has become the choice of thousands of professionals.

Running a chiropractic practice is a multi-faceted endeavor. Utilizing a tool like the Chiro8000 to cover every area of administration can make a huge impact on the growth of a patient base. Explore the possibilities at www.Chiro8000.com or talk with a Chiro8000 representative at 800-456-2622. The real question is – How will you use your extra time?

Anthony Schwartz is the president of Chiro8000. Founded in 1983, the Chiro8000 software company has been providing affordable and cutting edge applications specifically for the Chiropractic Profession. Tailored to the small to medium sized practice, the Chiro8000 software connects the area of billing, scheduling, office management, marketing EMR/EHR, communication, patient education, collections, and employee management. With over 200 chiropractors that actively consult with the product as well as their alliance with Microsoft technology, the Chiro8000 offers the perfect balance of technology and industry perspective for the profession.

Chiro 8000 Reviews Patient Data Conversion Solutions For Upgrading Your Chiropractic Office Software Program

Have you outgrown your chiropractic office software program? Are you hesitant because the thought of patient data conversion gives you nightmares? Chiro 8000 reviews acknowledge these issues, but according to satisfied users, it’s no cause for concern. There are a number of ways to easily upgrade your clinic software once you research various reviews of the Chiro 8000 software and begin to understand your options.

However, let’s back up for a moment. Before you make a switch to Chiro 8000, read the reviews and take time to research its unique and superior features. Receiving overwhelmingly positive reviews, Chiro 8000 software is well known for its longevity and customer satisfaction rating. Chiro 8000 reviews also speak very highly of the 24/7, competent, live-person technical support.

But even if you read the reviews and choose Chiro 8000, you may still have concerns about how your patient data will convert. Chiro 8000 reviews explain that there are three ways you can approach this transition. You may decide to re-enter patient information by hand, although the prospect of entering 500 to 50,000 files might be overwhelming. Alternatively, you might choose to utilize the Chiro 8000 import feature, allowing you to bring in the patient demographics without any loss of data or accessibility issues. However, many customer reviews of their Chiro 8000 conversion experience point to the in-house method whereby a team of trained specialists take a copy of your data and do the conversion for you. This, according to the Chiro 8000 reviews is the easiest choice and a favorite of many Chiro 8000 customers.

According to end-user reviews, Chiro 8000 has been the chosen patient relationship software leader for over 25 years. Chiro 8000 was designed specifically for use in the chiropractic profession, making use of suggestions and reviews from Chiro 8000 customers. The Chiro 8000 customer and technical support team is acknowledged as being second to none and Chiro 8000 reviews laud an in-house data services department that is able to convert patient information in a seamless fashion. Send them a copy of your data and they do all the work. A few days later, they express you a new CD-Rom, which contains your Chiro 8000 data and is ready to use.

Chiro 8000 reviews describe customer experiences regarding thousands of patient data conversions. Chiropractic offices, large and small, can feel safe and secure that important data is safe and usable. Read more Chiro 8000 reviews at www.Chiro8000.com or call and speak to an account representative at 800-456-2622.

Advice from Konrad Kafarski | Keeping a Business Name Yours – Konrad Kafarski

Advice from Konrad Kafarski | Keeping a Business Name Yours

Konrad Kafarski knows that starting a new business can be a terrifying adventure for even the most experienced business person. There are so many details and risks to account for, notes Konrad Kafarski, and yet he affirms that the entrepreneurial spirit prevails. If you have an entrepreneurial bent towards starting a business, you have much to consider, says Konrad Kafarski. Elements like the right product, enough financing, accounting, and legal representation are all critical components of getting a business going. Long before you need inventory, says Konrad Kafarski, you will need an experienced lawyer.

You’ll need an attorney, continues Konrad Kafarski, because the legal side of starting a business often has the most obscure and intimidating angles. Customers never see the legal end of your operations, says Konrad Kafarski, but your company could not exist without it. Before a business plan gets too far along, recruit the help you’ll need.

Konrad Kafarski notes that what often serves to snag a budding business proposition is the seemingly simple need to choose a business name. A name is not something to be taken lightly, adds Konrad Kafarski. Your business name will be at the core of your recognizability to customers. Konrad Kafarski knows it can be a challenge to choose a name that is short and recognizable, while still conveying the mission of your enterprise. Often entrepreneurs use the names of loved ones when naming their businesses. There are many options, agrees Konrad Kafarski.

Konrad Kafarski urges entrepreneurs not to overlook the legal issues that come with choosing a name for your business. The name you choose will be how you identify your company to the world. It will be emblazoned on all of your literature. Choose a name to be proud of, and choose one that will have longevity. Most importantly, says Konrad Kafarski, choose a name that you are sure you own.

The legal business of sorting out company names is under the umbrella of trademark law, explains Konrad Kafarski. Lawyers help business owners make sure that their name is unique and safe, so that no other entity will come along and lay claim to the name you have chosen. You may have heard horror stories about a large corporation squeezing out a small operation because that small business had the same or even a similar name as the corporation. By consulting with an experienced attorney during your naming process, Konrad Kafarski says that you can ensure that this fate does not befall your new business.

Cordia Harrington | Improving Your Communication Style – Cordia Harrington

Today’s Guest Contributor is Cordia Harrington, CEO of The Bun Company, a conglomerate supplying buns and English muffins globally to McDonald’s and other national food distributors. In corporate circles Cordia Harrington is affectionately known as The Bun Lady. She is a featured motivational speaker with the nationally recognized Premier Speakers Bureau.

In the following article, Cordia Harrington shares some tips for improving your communication style.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #1: Awareness of Self
The first step in improving communication skills is awareness. Take a few minutes to assess the particular dynamics of your personal communication style. All individuals have a unique way of communicating. Listen to your own speech. What sorts of words do you use? Which kind of body language and what tone of voice do you most commonly use? It may be very helpful to record ten minutes of conversation between you and a friend, and then listen for the nuances in your voice.

You may have a friend or acquaintance that, in your opinion, is an excellent communicator. How does your style of speaking compare to theirs? Do you see similarities? Be honest with yourself and don’t be afraid to write down several areas in which you can improve.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #2: Pay Attention to Others
Once you are tuned into your own style of speaking, Cordia Harrington suggests that it’s time to pay more attention to the styles of those around you. Look at your immediate circle of acquaintances. What stands out in your mind as you listen to their conversations? How do they say things? Be on the lookout for specific approaches that you want to emulate, and begin making them your own.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #3: Flexibility
Work on being more flexible as a communicator. It’s never too late to change your way of communicating. Learn to adjust to different styles of communication. The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is not always true. You had to learn to speak when you were a young child, and while those habits have been ingrained for many years, it is still possible to unlearn certain behaviors.

It’s possible to get stuck in a communication rut without realizing it, as in the story about a father who was having a difficult time communicating with his 15-year-old daughter. He watched her growing up and pulling away from him. One day, they were in a heated discussion about why she had stopped telling him about what was going on in her life. The father demanded to know why she hadn’t told him that she was struggling in school.

The girl replied that she had, but he was too busy giving her a lecture to hear her heart. Fortunately, that was a wakeup call for the father, and he soon learned that adapting his communication style to his daughter would involve listening first instead of trying to “fix” the problem.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #4: Build Rapport
Cordia Harrington believes that a key component of great communication is building rapport with the other person. As you engage them in conversation, pay attention to their movements, posture and verbal style. Don’t copy everything they do, but work on mirroring one or two important things. For example, if the person tends to give short answers to questions, then you do likewise.

Perhaps you are in a conversation with an individual who speaks at a slower pace than you usually do. Make a conscious effort to slow your speaking speed to match theirs. This may seem overly simplistic, but it is a very potent way to move the other person to a place where they feel relaxed and comfortable in your presence.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #5: Appropriate Transparency
Be open to changing your style of communication to complement a different setting. The way you communicate at home will likely be different than a conversation during a business meeting. Being transparent with a best friend is appropriate; the same level of disclosure with an acquaintance is not. Be cautious about how much information you share in a group setting. Many of us have been in a situation where “too much information” makes for an awkward moment.

Cordia Harrington’s Tip #6: Accept Different Styles
Finally Cordia Harrington encourages you to refrain from being critical of other individuals when they practice communication styles that are different from what you may be accustomed to hearing. Everyone is unique in size, shape and speaking style. If we all communicated in the same way, the world would become a boring place!

We would like to thank Cordia Harrington for her contribution to this blog.

Some Tips to Beginning an Online Business

The possibilities for creating an online business are nearly endless. The most obvious way to begin would be to build a website to serve a particular niche in the market. Typically this is most successfully accomplished by researching and finding an underserved business niche, building a website to showcase the new business, and then reaping the profits from a growing business.

Begin by going online and Googling the search term “underserved business niches”. Spend time researching links, websites and blogs. Get feedback and advice from friends and family. Once you have settled on a business idea, it’s time to build a website to support your chosen niche market.  As content is created for the website pages, it’s important to select pertinent, focused keywords that will build your business through organic search engine rankings.  By writing solid content that is supported with quality back links between your website and other businesses, you’ll begin to establish a growing, strong page rank with Google.

Secondly, if your marketing budget allows, Google Adwords is an online option to bring targeted visitors to your website. The proper choice of keywords and educated bidding is the key to successfully marketing with Pay Per Click advertising. Along with this paid advertising, your organic (natural) search engine traffic will also help to build a solid business.

Another online business opportunity can be found by selling on eBay. Although this selling niche is not quite as popular as it was several years ago, it still remains a solid business proposition. Again, proper research is essential. Take the time to learn what kinds of goods are selling, and discover the price points that make these goods move. Determine if your margin is large enough to justify the fees that eBay and PayPal charge for transactions on their websites.

Many sellers do make a full-time income on eBay. Oftentimes this success is achieved by finding a wholesaler in the chosen market niche that offers products at a deep discount to sell on eBay. Some eBay sellers prefer to deal in goods only when they can be sent to buyers via a drop shipper. A drop shipper is a wholesaler who sells you a product at a deep discount, holds the merchandise at their warehouse location, and will ship the product after it sells on eBay to a customer.

You will buy the product at wholesale and then make money on the difference between what you buy the product for, and what you sell the product for on eBay (the margin). This is a particularly useful approach, allowing you to focus on selling the product without worrying about stocking inventory. It also eliminates the need for space to ship or provide backend support, however it’s crucial to know that the wholesaler is reliable and honest.  If there are problems with the merchandise, it is you that the customer will contact. An example of a wholesale shipping directory on the Internet is found at worldwidebrands.com.

These are but two ideas to consider as you pursue the quest of creating an online business. Many other possibilities exist for making money on the Internet but there is little up front cost required to begin these types of online businesses and for many, they have provided much success.

Online Computer Training | An Asset to Better Business Skills

Information Technology (IT) professionals must find ways to stay current in their chosen field of vocation, which may often require more than a basic training update. Staying up-to-date with relevant materials is also essential. The world of computers is one that changes so often that without the latest information available, an IT professional can soon fall behind.
More and more IT pros go online to seek further computer training, both for new knowledge or to upgrade a current base. Finding educational tools online is a relatively simple process. Entering keywords “online computer training” as well as the “desired field” in Google or other search engines will return numerous results. Qualified computer training businesses are easily found. A decade ago, online computer training was a small niche market, but as the demand has grown, so has the number of online computer training service providers.

Prior to signing up for an online course, it is essential to do adequate research on the various options available.  Begin by checking the credentials of the institutions that seem to best fit the required needs. Again, looking on a major search engine like Google for accredited online computer training schools is easy to do from the comfort of your home or office. While researching a school first may seem to be common sense, it is often a step that is overlooked by potential students. This can lead to disappointment, wasted time and money on the part of an individual looking for further training.  Many times, however, financial institutions and lenders require proof of accreditation before releasing loan funds to a college or university, especially if the learning institution is online.

Buyer beware if an online computer training schools promises to teach in a couple of weeks what normally requires a month to learn. Confirm that a school will provide comprehensive support through an 800 number and email. Look for computer training mentorship with a trained IT professional.

Whether you seek a new certification or to upgrade a current knowledge base, it is possible to accomplish your goals for a reasonable cost through online computer training. You will also find that most courses are structured so that students have the benefit of self-paced instruction. The ability to set a learning schedule has served to aid the popularity of online computer training courses. This type of self-paced instruction usually mandates more focused time to complete the study. In other words, to obtain 14 hours of training in a particular skill, the student must not log less than 14 hours of learning time, which maintains the integrity of the certification. The student’s progress is also tracked, along with other pertinent data. This enables a student to pause the study at any given point and then resume later on as time permits.

So whether an IT professional wishes to sharpen valuable computer skills or obtain a completely new skill, online computer training is a viable and relatively simple process.

Achieving Successful Asset Management Growth

Asset management growth is widely acknowledged as one of the primary goals of a business or company. When this is achieved, the industry has reached the point of successful asset management, and is at the point of general growth and improvement. Asset management growth also indicates that a business has chosen the proper approach, a system that works compatibly with those already existing within the company.

Asset management is even more important in this new millenium. Long past are the days of manual work; the effective administration of assets in today’s world includes multiple diverse and complex database systems and business that relies on accurate and timely information.

What is included in effective asset management?

Asset management should be one of the most critical strategies adopted by any industry. However, it is futile to speak of asset management merely as a tangible process. Business and industry today relies heavily on technological systems and data maintenance. Thus, in order to assure maximum effectiveness, both hardware and software assets must be managed well.

Essentially, asset management must make room for the effective organization of production, facilities, transportation, and even digital assets. Budgeting, procurement, maintenance, and depreciation calculation of a company’s fixed assets must be addressed with value maximized and projected cost minimization kept in the forefront. Solutions being offered across the board to various industries have organizational modules on managing assets, human resources, materials, and software.

Successful management systems offer tools for improvement on assets return and lowering costs of asset ownership. These systems also provide assistance in license compliance and promote enhanced security. Particularly important to companies with different branches in several locations, a good asset management solution must have provide tracking for both physical or intangible assets.

The growth goals of asset management

Successful asset management must be able to achieve several goals. Most importantly, it should assist industry managers to maximize the best use of assets. It should also pinpoint assets that require additional attention, and which assets are not producing. Simply put, asset management focuses on the ability to bring about greater value from the assets of the company. It also works to achieve more competitive performance and productivity.

Asset management tools should also provide effective curtailment of asset ownership and the calculation of asset-related risks. The tools should insure accurate inventory control and data storage. Wise decision making in asset management is essential, especially when considering the reality of consistently shifting technology and cutthroat competition.

Why asset management is essential for organizational growth

Effective asset management also requires successful utilization of both the physical and intangible assets of any organization. Such asset management caters to various disciplines, which include those as wide-ranging as administration and engineering, and from production to information management.

With such successful asset management, company growth is nearly guaranteed. Both labor and production become more efficient, downtime on equipment and facilities are minimized, and the total cost of fixed asset ownership is significantly reduced. A business is then able to pinpoint any areas that need improvement, seeking assistance from various management solution providers to utilize helpful management tools.

Asset management growth is not an easy goal to achieve, nor will it happen overnight. Asset management will continue to shift and evolve, and successful industry managers will understand this. It is only then that the most favorable results for the entire organization will be realized.