Stephanie Izen
According to Stephanie Izen, one of the most useful groups of iPhone apps is the money management apps. Consumers can download apps that help manage bills, make budgets and read financial news, reports Stephanie Izen. There are also apps that allow individuals to perform banking transactions or manage their investment portfolios, adds Stephanie Izen.
Stephanie Izen recommends the following free money management apps for the iPhone:
1. Chase Mobile: Stephanie Izen knows that for many consumers, finding time to pay the bills can be quite a hassle. For Chase Bank customers, reports Stephanie Izen, a lot of the hassle is taken out with the Chase Mobile App. As Stephanie Izen reports, this app allows consumers to check real time account balances, transfer money and pay bills. And now, notes Stephanie Izen, users can deposit checks by simply taking a snapshot of the front and back of the endorsed check using the Chase Mobile App. For more information, Stephanie Izen suggests checking out Chase QuickDeposit.
2. CNBC Real Time: Stephanie Izen recommends this app to investors looking for real-time market information and up-to-the-minute financial news. Consumers can get real-time streaming stock quotes, reports Stephanie Izen, and the latest market data on stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, etc. Users can sign up for customized price alerts and news alerts, states Stephanie Izen. And, of course, Stephanie Izen adds, users can watch CNBC TV.
3. Mint: According to Stephanie Izen, Mint.com offers the best mobile personal finance software. According to Stephanie Izen, with the Mint app a person can bring all of their financial information to their iPhone. The app allows users to consolidate all of their bank accounts, credit cards, loans and investment accounts in one place, says Stephanie Izen. Moreover, reports Stephanie Izen, the app keeps track of bank account balances, credit card balances and loan balances in real time. This way, users can develop a budget and stick to it, concludes Stephanie Izen.
About Stephanie Izen
Stephanie Izen is a financial and legal “hybrid” – an executive leader who utilizes financial analysis, business acumen, and legal expertise to help businesses thrive. Stephanie Izen may be reached at stephanieizen@yahoo.com.
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