March 11, 2025

God’s Luv International Ministries Church: Getting Stuck and Giving Up

God's Luv International Ministries Church

God's Luv International Ministries Church

God’s Luv International Ministries Church’s Dr. Pierre Bennett has learned the value of perseverance over the years, through a term in the military The founder of God’s Luv International Ministries Church succeeded through turbulent economic times and continues to succeed today.

The God’s Luv International Ministries Church pastor took time out of his busy schedule to speak to Interviewing Experts about how he helps his God’s Luv International Ministries Church members to progress to the next level in their spiritual journey.

Interviewing Experts: In listening to a recent God’s Luv International Ministries Church sermon, you cleared up one misconception I’ve had—that once someone is saved, there’s no way he or she can get stuck in his or her spiritual journey.

Dr. Pierre Bennett: As I regularly tell my congregation at God’s Luv International Ministries Church, it’s all about casting away those old thoughts and beliefs that are holding us back in our journey.

Interviewing Experts: But as you said in your sermon at God’s Luv International Ministries Church, it’s important for followers to keep trying and working at it, even when it becomes difficult.

Dr. Pierre Bennett: Especially when it becomes difficult. The alternative to continuing to try is to stay stuck, and that’s no alternative at all.

Interviewing Experts: What happens when someone stays stuck?

Dr. Pierre Bennett: You see it all the time—at God’s Luv International Ministries Church and at churches all over this great country of ours. There are people who get stuck and stay stuck. They attend church every Sunday, all their lives, and never quite get to the promise.

Interviewing Experts: But how could that happen?

Dr. Pierre Bennett: Easy. As the God’s Luv International Ministries Church members here will attest, some people accept Jesus as their Savior, but they never quite turn everything over to him. They can’t let go of all that old junk that is tying them to their worldly selves.

Interviewing Experts: Because they want to continue living in sin?

Dr. Pierre Bennett: Sin, a vision of what a person thinks they want their life to be—it can vary from person to person. What we’ve found at God’s Luv International Ministries Church is that unless someone lets go of all of those worldly things and gives it over to God, they’ll remain stuck.

Interviewing Experts: But even after your congregation members at God’s Luv International Ministries Church have reached that level of enlightenment, there still will be bumps in the road, right?

Dr. Pierre Bennett: Trials and tribulations are a part of life. I tell my brothers and sisters at God’s Luv International Ministries Church to expect them. These  tests, great and small, serve to strengthen you in your faith and make you a better person. Many of those tests come from the enemy, but He will be there to protect you and get you through it.

Interviewing Experts: We hear a lot about “backsliding believers.” How do you prepare your congregation at God’s Luv International Ministries Church for that?

Dr. Pierre Bennett: I use the example of using profanity. Some of my God’s Luv International Ministries Church members have vowed to kick that habit, but of course, that doesn’t mean they’ll never slip up. But there may come a day when you feel a heavy temptation to cuss again. I urge my members at God’s Luv International Ministries Church to prepare for it and pray their way through it. He can move you past that temptation and onto the next level, if only you’ll turn it over to Him.

For more information about God’s Luv International Ministries Church, please call (703) 395-1430.


God’s Luv International Ministries Church was founded in 2008 by Apostle Dr. Pierre Bennett. With a focus on obedience to the word of Jesus Christ, Gods Luv International Ministries Church seeks to spread its powerful message across the world.

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