February 22, 2025

Richard Siskey Offers Principles for Sustaining Longevity in Business

Richard Siskey

Richard Siskey

“There are no major secrets to achieving longevity in business,” says Richard Siskey. Siskey would know.  After spending over thirty years as a successful businessman and angel investor, Richard Siskey has taken the time to set down a few ideas to garner longevity in business.  “Here is the reality. If you don’t know what you believe – do not have a value system – then you are already heading for trouble,” Richard Siskey says.  And while there are many pieces of advice that Siskey could share, in this article he offers four brief “value statements” that will help business professionals achieve long-term success.

Richard Siskey’s Value Statement One: 

Remember winners do what losers won’t do.  “I have often said that nothing will ever replace the value of hard work,” comments Richard Siskey.  However, Siskey also notes that longevity depends upon consistent hard work.  “Winners in any field always go one step farther than everyone else,” asserts Richard Siskey.  Those who stay in business, adds Siskey, never lose that mentality.

Richard Siskey’s Value Statement Two: 

Under promise, and over deliver.  “Credibility is crucial to longevity,” Richard Siskey explains.  In the final breakdown, all a business professional has is his or her name.  “If you constantly over promise and then under deliver, then your name – your reputation – will be worthless,” points out Richard Siskey.  He adds that if you flip that around and follow the value statement, then “you will have a reputation of getting things done, being true to your word and so on.”

Richard Siskey’s Value Statement Three: 

See as far as you can see and when you get there you can see further.  “Why have so many today stopped dreaming?” asks Richard Siskey.  When someone sees farther than the “possible” they are in essence choosing a destination, explains Siskey.  “And when you reach that destination, you will know that you have the ability to do what it takes to make a vision become a reality,” Richard Siskey adds.  From that point, with the knowledge of what you can do, Richard Siskey states it will be possible to see that much further.  “Once you have envisioned and then achieved a vision then you look further to the next moment with greater courage,” says Siskey.  And according to the successful angel investor and speaker, “it’s vital to never stop the process of envisioning and reaching” to stay in business.

Richard Siskey’s Statement Four: 

If your ‘out go’ exceeds your income then your upkeep becomes your downfall.  “It’s common sense,” suggests Richard Siskey.  Yet in an economy and country that is living beyond means, Richard Siskey believes that this common sense idea is not so common.  “Overhead, extreme debt, become fifty pound weights around the neck of a business,” says Richard Siskey.  This sort of upkeep will destroy a business.  “If you want to stay in business for the long haul, then out go cannot consistently exceed what you’re taking in,” asserts Richard Siskey.

About Richard Siskey

Over a span of thirty years, Richard C. Siskey (Rick Siskey) has become known as a premier investor and advisor to numerous entrepreneurs and businesses.  Possessing what the Greater Charlotte Biz magazine dubbed, “an uncanny ability to discern situations in advance,” Richard Siskey knows what it takes to start, build, finance and sell businesses.

Motivated by raw challenge and competition, Richard Siskey founded Wall Street Capitol.  After spending years in the financial markets, Richard Siskey developed moves and strategies that were a proven success.  In establishing Wall Street Capitol, Siskey envisioned a company that would service all the financial needs expected by high networth clientele.  Today, with a phenomenal talent and skill set under one roof, Wall Street Capitol performs at a level not easily matched for entrepreneurs and individuals of financial means.

Richard Siskey is the Chairman of Siskey Industries, LLC.  Siskey Industries offers traditional and alternative sources of capital funding, strategic advisory solutions and alternative investment opportunities.  As Chairman of Siskey Industries, Richard Siskey joins his expertise to a network of industry professionals in the arena of private equity investing.

Known for his integrity, Richard Siskey has built his businesses based upon that value.  In a recent article one of Siskey’s clients commented, “Integrity, without question, has to be number one in financial services. I have personally seen his integrity moved from words to action.”

In 2000, Richard Siskey moved Wall Street Capitol to a specially designed 75,000 square foot office building located on prime real estate in the SouthPark area of Charlotte, North Carolina.  With the professional touch often related to Siskey, these offices have become the infrastructure for expansion.  Today Richard Siskey, Wall Street Capitol and Siskey Industries serve a diverse base of clients both regionally and nationwide.

Richard Siskey believes that community and family are to be valued above business.  He has supported and actively given to Queens College, Catholic Social Services and numerous charities that include the United Way.  In a long list of opportunities, Siskey points to one that has nothing to do with money or business:  the YMCA.  In 1995, Richard Siskey’s civic contributions and support of the YMCA organization were honored with the naming of The Siskey Family YMCA, a recognition for which he remains very grateful.

Richard Siskey completed his Masters of Business Administration at the Queens University of Charlotte.  Deeply grateful to have earned his graduate degree from the prestigious McColl School of Business, Siskey has lectured throughout the country on a number of fiscally oriented topics. Richard Siskey is also past member of the National Speakers Association, in good standing.

Richard Siskey has been a resident of Charlotte, North Carolina for over twenty-six years.  He is married to Diane and they have two adult children.


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