February 22, 2025

Kris Krohn of Strongbrook Describes the Building Blocks of a Real Estate Power Team

Kris Krohn StrongbrookKris Krohn of The Strongbrook Group says that a key principle of his revolutionary program, The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth, is collaboration. Kris Krohn and the Strongbrook team are supported by a staff of more than 200 professional experts. Here, Kris Krohn of Strongbrook explains how his team assists valued clients in turning rental homes into a much stronger portfolio through growth, gains and profit.

Interviewing Experts: Good morning, how are you doing today?

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Doing well, thank you.
Interviewing Experts: We’re looking forward to hearing more about the Strait Path real estate system. What’s the most important fundamental of this program?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Without a doubt, the art of collaboration is absolutely crucial to reaching an audience.
Interviewing Experts: If you don’t mind me asking, what is your secret?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: This is my one and only secret: If you’re hoping to do a task correctly, you must not try to do it all by yourself.

Interviewing Experts: A solid team is important then…

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Absolutely! If you build the correct power team and collaborate well, you’ll see that you give up a miniscule part of profits while putting in significantly less work.

Interviewing Experts: How can I leverage my team’s skills and talents?

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: There are five distinct forms of leveraging.
Interviewing Experts: What are they?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: First, there is other people’s money, followed by other people’s labor and time. Then, other people’s experience, also known as knowledge. The last two forms of leveraging are other people’s ideas and other people’s systems.
Interviewing Experts: Once these entities have been leveraged, what’s next?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Successful investing in real estate means having the right team of experts at your side. In my work, I refer to it as a power team.

Interviewing Experts: What does a power team accomplish?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: With a hard-working and dedicated power team, you can depend on each individual member to carry his or her fair share of the weight.

Interviewing Experts: Who will serve as necessary components of a solid investing power team?

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: A number of different professionals are crucial to this task. These roles include realtor, certified public accountant, mortgage broker, insurance broker, attorney, banker and title officer.

Interviewing Experts: That’s quite an extensive roster…

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: It is – but I highly recommend filling all of these roles in putting your power team together.

Interviewing Experts: It sounds like a complex process.

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Without the right people around you to support and guide your efforts, it can be confusing and overwhelming.

Interviewing Experts: Your insight is much appreciated!

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: My pleasure. We’re always available for any comments and questions from prospective investors.

Kris Krohn of The Strongbrook Group began acquiring properties as a teenager, and uses his extensive experience to teach thousands of Americans about smart investing in the real estate market. Now a resident of Utah, Kris Krohn of The Strongbrook Group  has purchased more than 400 properties throughout the United States.


Kris Krohn, Strongbrook co-founder, is one of the nation’s most predominant real estate experts, with more than 400 properties to his credit. Kris Krohn leverages Strongbrook and the Strongbrook family of companies to help client-investors create new wealth. Strongbrook services include, but are not limited to, management, asset protection, and wealth accumulation through real estate.

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