February 22, 2025

Damon Styles Finds Purpose and Greater Meaning During His Foreign Mission Trips

Damon StylesFor real estate investment professional Damon Styles, the opportunity to give back to others is often squandered and even ignored at times. In order to curb this trend, Damon Styles and his family often travel to foreign locations and assist communities in dire straits. In this short interview, Damon Styles provides support and encouragement to people who may be pursuing community service endeavors.

Interviewing Experts: Hello. We’re so grateful that you’re willing to share your insights with us.

Damon Styles: It’s a tremendous honor. People around the world are hopefully encouraged to improve communities and society as a whole through mission work.

Interviewing Experts: Do your children join along in these mission trips?

Damon Styles: On several mission trips, my two youngest kids have come along on this powerful and moving journey.

Interviewing Experts: What’s the most special trip to date for your family?

Damon Styles: It’s hard to pick a favorite, but spending time in the Philippines proved to be a highly transformational experience. The people there are generous and kind despite their circumstances. My wife and four of my six children were such a source of security during this particular trip.

Interviewing Experts: What was the general intent of this project?

Damon Styles: A Filipino orphanage had provided a necessary refuge to over 50 children with no homes and no families to comfort and protect them.

Interviewing Experts: How did you approach this situation?

Damon Styles: The children’s nutrition was quite frightening, to say the least. We offered our services at the orphanage by serving hot meal. Sadly, a number of these children had spent the previous days and months rooting around for food items in the garbage.

Interviewing Experts: It sounds like a troubling sight.

Damon Styles: As a family man with children of my own, it was a disturbing image. Our children taught them several different Bible songs and met their immediate needs in the meantime. It’s a challenge, though, because our family could only stay for a short period of time.

Interviewing Experts: Your efforts were appreciated, no doubt. Our gratitude goes out to you for being a community leader and inspiring force.

Damon Styles: It is my deeply held belief that all people are called to lend a hand when others are hurting.

For over three decades, Damon Styles has emerged as a valued leader in the field of real estate. Damon Styles devotes his energies to a wide array of philanthropic causes worldwide.


A partner of WorldWide Consulting, Damon Styles possesses over 25 years of experience in real estate. Throughout his business career, Damon Styles has accepted and successfully met the challenges of a variety of industries, including sales, communications and mergers & acquisitions.

Founded by Damon Styles and his business partners, WorldWide Consulting is a limited liability corporation based in Nevada that leverages strategic partnerships for the achievement of growth and expansion in a variety of American and international companies.

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