February 22, 2025

Kris Krohn of Strongbrook Describes the Building Blocks of a Real Estate Power Team

Kris Krohn StrongbrookKris Krohn of The Strongbrook Group says that a key principle of his revolutionary program, The Strait Path to Real Estate Wealth, is collaboration. Kris Krohn and the Strongbrook team are supported by a staff of more than 200 professional experts. Here, Kris Krohn of Strongbrook explains how his team assists valued clients in turning rental homes into a much stronger portfolio through growth, gains and profit.

Interviewing Experts: Good morning, how are you doing today?

Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Doing well, thank you.
Interviewing Experts: We’re looking forward to hearing more about the Strait Path real estate system. What’s the most important fundamental of this program?
Kris Krohn, Strongbrook: Without a doubt, the art of collaboration is absolutely crucial to reaching an audience. [Read more…]

Kris Krohn: Building a Referral Network to Create a Real Estate Portfolio

Kris KrohnKris Krohn is a well-known real estate investor, investment coach and author. He has developed several real estate investment formulas that have helped people generate residual income and achieve financial stability. His most recent program is called Strongbrook Direct. Here Kris Krohn answers questions about using one’s network of friends and associates to build a real estate portfolio. [Read more…]