March 9, 2025

Aldo Disorbo Suggests Toys for Tots as Charity for Businesses to Support

Aldo-Disorbo-Christmas-Presents-Interviewing-ExpertsNationwide Relocation Services founder Aldo Disorbo says the Toys for Tots charity makes a difference to underprivileged children every year. Here, the Fort Lauderdale-based businessman talks to Interviewing Experts about his experience with the organization.

Interviewing Experts: Thank you for being here today. We know you are busy.

Aldo Disorbo: The pleasure is all mine.

Interviewing Experts: First, can you tell us a bit about your business for our readers?

Aldo Disorbo: I’m the owner of Nationwide Relocation Services. We’re a moving brokerage firm. We help customers find the right moving company that can work with their budget and specific relocation needs.

Interviewing Experts: Very interesting. Do most people have trouble finding their own moving company?

Aldo Disorbo: Absolutely—there are literally thousands of moving companies out there and more pop up every day. It can be mind-blowing.

Interviewing Experts: Let’s talk about your company’s charitable giving. Do you have a specific organization that you work with?

Aldo Disorbo: Nationwide Relocation Services works with many charitable organizations for many causes. But, the one that is nearest and dearest to my heart is Toys for Tots.

Interviewing Experts: Why’s that?

Aldo Disorbo: Toys for Tots provides hope to some of the country’s most needy children.

Interviewing Experts: How so?

Aldo Disorbo: Well, Christmas is a magical time for most people. It can, however, be a time of great distress for many families facing financial difficulties. The Toys for Tots program and the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves keep the magic alive by helping these families have a good Christmas morning.

Interviewing Experts: And Nationwide Relocation Services has partnered with Toys for Tots before?

Aldo Disorbo: Yes, absolutely. Thinking back, 2009 was probably our most successful year working with the charity. Thanks to the efforts of our dedicated staff and affiliates, we collected more than 500 toys for deserving children.

Interviewing Experts: No doubt that helped many families.

Aldo Disorbo: I’m proud to say there were a few hundred children waking up that morning to something special.

Interviewing Experts: How did people get toys to you?

Aldo Disorbo: Our employees brought in toys and opened up our office in Fort Lauderdale to the public as a drop-off point.

Interviewing Experts: When does Toys for Tots begin their toy drive?

Aldo Disorbo: They start every year in October and finish in mid-December.

Interviewing Experts: How long has Toys for Tots been around?

Aldo Disorbo: Toys for Tots was actually founded in 1947. The organization collected more than 5,000 toys its first year.

Interviewing Experts: We understand the Toys for Tots logo was designed by someone with quite a famous name?

Aldo Disorbo: Yes, in 1948 none other than Walt Disney himself designed the logo that features the caboose of the train and two rail cars. Over the last 50 years it has become an iconic symbol for the charity.

Interviewing Experts: How widespread is the Toys for Tots program?

Aldo Disorbo: Toys for Tots is found in all 50 states.

Interviewing Experts: How are children chosen to be recipients?

Aldo Disorbo: Parents can request help from the Toys for Tots website. Around Christmas, Toys for Tots coordinators work with welfare agencies and other groups to determine where the greatest need is.

Interviewing Experts: Can individuals volunteer with the program?

Aldo Disorbo: Yes. From what I understand they accept volunteers everywhere that they have an office or warehouse.

Interviewing Experts: What opportunities are available?

Aldo Disorbo: There are many different ways to help. Of course, you can always donate a toy—a drop-off location is never hard to find. Additionally, a Toys for Tots event can be held at a private home or office.

Interviewing Experts: You seem very passionate about this charity.

Aldo Disorbo: I am—this is one that I definitely recommend that all businesses, and especially those with great social connections, support. There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you helped a child, and what better way than to make them smile on Christmas morning.

Interviewing Experts: We appreciate your time today. Thanks to you and Nationwide Relocation Services for all you’re doing for children in our communities.

Aldo Disorbo has had a passion for moving since his teens. He founded his first moving company with nothing more than an old beat-up truck and a dream. Today, Nationwide Relocation Services is the nation’s largest provider of third-party moving services in the country.

Investment Italy: Aldo Todini Explains Why Business Opportunities Abound in his Home Country

Aldo Todini

Aldo Todini

In this interview, Aldo Todini explains how international investors can give the boot to a downed European Economy. Aldo Todini is a business consultant with expertise in matching capitalists with suitable investment opportunities. He claims that Italy, with its traditionally thriving manufacturing and industrial sectors, is the perfect place for investors to seek new revenue generating prospects. Today, Aldo Todini speaks with Interviewing Experts about why the European economic crisis means potentially substantial gains for some.

Interviewing Experts: Thank you, Aldo Todini, for making time to speak with us today.

Aldo Todini: I am pleased to be here.

Interviewing Experts: Let’s talk about Italy. Most people know it for great food and even better wine. What else is Italy famous for?

Aldo Todini: It has long been known that goods produced in Italy are of the finest quality. We do not put a great deal of effort into extravagance; our workmanship is what makes Italian goods so desirable and trendy.

Interviewing Experts: But, Italy doesn’t have that many natural resources…

Aldo Todini: This is true. We are, however, quite conveniently located for importing raw and refined materials.

Interviewing Experts: How has the crisis in the European Union affected manufacturing in Italy?

Aldo Todini: It has forced many plants to slow or halt production. But, with the economy both here and abroad picking back up, we’ve seen a new vitality in our commerce.

Interviewing Experts: This means opportunities for investment?

Aldo Todini: Almost unlimited… We have many manufactures whose goods are being discovered by consumers across the globe. This means an increase in demand.

Interviewing Experts: Why then are these companies seeking stockholders or looking to otherwise inject funds into their operations?

Aldo Todini: Many of our businesses are still recovering. They must have money to purchase the materials to create the products that so many people now want.

Interviewing Experts: So, this means they are willing to sell interest for a bargain price…

Aldo Todini: Correct but as our exportation picks up, these opportunities will start to disappear. This is why I tell my clients to buy now and not wait until they’ve recovered on their own.

Interviewing Experts: Before we close, can you tell us about Italy’s recent entrance into the world of renewable energy?

Aldo Todini: Italy has been heavily dependent on foreign energy sources as long as anyone can remember. Over the last 10 years, higher costs have created a demand for renewably energy sources.  We have always paid 30-40% more for electricity than our neighbors and the entire country is working to reduce these costs.

Interviewing Experts: That sounds like another area with investment potential.

Aldo Todini: It is, yes. 2012 saw an increase in foreign interest, often from those countries that we are looking to stop buying energy sources from. 2013 is going to be a great year for Italian commerce. I strongly recommend those interested to research their options before it’s too late.

Aldo Todini is a 1997 graduate of the University of Rome and a business consultant with decades of experience identifying solutions for corporations of all sizes.



Investimenti in Italia: Aldo Todini spiega perché le opportunità di business abbondano qui da noi

Aldo Todini spiega come gli investitori internazionali possono riavviare un’economia europea in depressione.

Aldo Todini è un consulente aziendale esperto di forme innovative d’investimento in ambito industriale. Sostiene che l’Italia, con i suoi fiorenti settori manifatturiero e industriale, è il luogo ideale per gli investitori esteri che vogliono ricercare nuove opportunità di investimento. Oggi, Aldo Todini parla con Interviewing Experts sul motivo per cui la crisi economica Europea può potenzialmente significare notevoli guadagni per chi sa cosa vuole.

Interviewing Experts: Grazie, Aldo Todini, per aver trovato il tempo per parlare con noi.

Aldo Todini: Sono lieto di essere qui.

Interviewing Experts: Parliamo di Italia. La maggior parte delle persone la conoscono per cibo e vino. Cosa c’è d’altro per cui l’Italia è famosa?

Aldo Todini: E’ un fatto noto che i beni prodotti in Italia sono di grande qualità. Non mettiamo molta stravaganza nei nostri prodotti, è solo la manodopera artigianale che li rende così appetibili e alla moda.

Interviewing Experts: Ma l’Italia non ha molte risorse naturali che …

Aldo Todini: Questo è vero. Ci sono comunque le importazioni che ci permettono di compensare questa povertà di materie prime.

Interviewing Experts: In che modo la crisi dell’Unione europea ha colpito la produzione in Italia?

Aldo Todini: La crisi ha costretto molte fabbriche a rallentare o fermare la produzione. Ma con l’economia che si sta riprendendo sia qui sia all’estero abbiamo assistito una a nuova vitalità nel comparto.

Interviewing Experts: Cosa significa per le opportunità di investimento?

Aldo Todini: Che ci sono opportunità illimitate… Ci sono molti produttori le cui merci sono state scoperte dai consumatori di tutto il mondo. Questo significa un aumento della domanda.

Interviewing Experts: Perché dunque queste società sono alla ricerca di soci o di fondi da iniettare nel loro business?

Aldo Todini: Molte delle nostre imprese si stanno ancora riprendendo. Ad esempio alcune devono recuperare le risorse per acquistare i materiali per creare i prodotti che così tante persone ora vogliono.

Interviewing Experts: Quindi significa che sono disposti a vendere a prezzi interessanti?

Aldo Todini: Corretto ma come le nostre esportazioni aumentano queste opportunità mano a mano scompaiono. È per questo che dico ai miei clienti investitori di muoversi subito e di non aspettare fino a quando il comparto abbia recuperato da solo, le opportunità saranno svanite.

Interviewing Experts: Prima di chiudere, ci puoi dire qualcosa in merito al recente ingresso in Italia nel mondo delle energie rinnovabili?

Aldo Todini: come tutti sanno l’Italia è fortemente dipendente dalle risorse energetiche estere. Nel corso degli ultimi 10 anni l’aumento dei costi energetici ha creato una forte domanda di energie rinnovabili. Abbiamo sempre pagato 30-40% in più di energia elettrica rispetto ai nostri vicini e l’intero paese sta lavorando per ridurre questo divario.

Interviewing Experts: Suona come un altro settore con un grande potenziale d’investimento.

Aldo Todini: Lo è, sì. Il 2012 ha visto un aumento di interesse provenire dall’estero, spesso da quei paesi che stiamo cercando di eliminare come fornitori di prodotti energetici. Il 2013 sarà un grande anno per il commercio italiano. Consiglio vivamente coloro che sono interessati a seguire le loro opportunità prima che sia troppo tardi.

Aldo Todini è un 1997 laureato presso l’Università di Roma e consulente aziendale con venti anni di esperienza nella ricerca e nella costruzione di opportunità di investimento per aziende di tutte le dimensioni.