February 22, 2025

Online retailer JustFab Offers Personalized Fashion at Affordable Prices



What if we told you there was a place you could shop at any hour and that it offered assistance from professional stylists that sincerely cared about helping find your personal style? What if you found out JustFab stylists would create your “look”, match items to your individual fashion persona and then offer you the opportunity to buy the coolest, on-trend pair of shoes or handbag each month? Now, imagine we also told you items for JustFab VIP members would only cost $39.95 with free shipping?

Q: This is amazing! Where do I find this place?

JustFab: Go online to JustFab.com! We are a fashion subscription service and brand with the hottest collections of shoes, handbags, jewelry, denim and more. No more worrying about what to wear for that special date or event. Members receive the latest styles–personalized just for you. There is no commitment to join – membership is free. If you don’t see something you like, you can choose to pass for the month.

Q: How does JustFab work?

JustFab: It’s quick, easy and fun! Take our fast, free online quiz and then our stylists will create your personal style profile. Each month you’ll see these hand-picked selections and you can choose whether or not to purchase. Our stylists will even assist you with putting together head-to-toe outfits from multiple items in our collection.

Q: What do you mean by collections? What do you have to offer?

JustFab: Well-respected fashion designers and industry personalities have created exclusive styles for JustFab that include shoes and boots, handbags, jewelry, denim–even sunglasses. JustFab.com offers Iron Fist, Abbey Dawn by Avril Lavigne, Hello Kitty and Elle & Blair Fowler styles as well.

Q: Isn’t Kimora Lee Simmons a part of JustFab?

JustFab: Yes, Kimora is the President and Creative Director of JustFab. She has a new life, a new focus and a new show! For a behind the scenes look at JustFab, tune into the Style Channel every Wednesday night at 9/8c and watch as Kimora Lee Simmons and the geniuses behind the JustFab family work their magic.

Q: How can I keep up with Kimora what’s going on at JustFab.com?

JustFab: Follow us on twitter @OfficialKimora and @JustFabOnline and like us on Facebook.

Q: When will JustFab be available in other countries?

JustFab: We have great news! JustFab is now in Canada, the U.K., and Germany. British customers, please like us on Facebook at JustFabUK, visit www.JustFab.co.uk or call 0800 433 4114.  German residents, like us on Facebook at JustFabDeutschland, visit justfab.de and don’t miss our fashion blog at blog.justfab.de.



A whole new concept in online shopping, JustFab combines personalization and convenience with affordable fashion.
JustFab offers the chance to shop your very own customized boutique each month. Styles are hand-picked for each shopper by stylists who are up-to-date on current trends and classic accessories.