March 9, 2025

Kelley D. Hamilton of Bonaventure Senior Living Explains the Osteoporosis/Exercise Connection

Kelley D. Hamilton BonaventureKelley D. Hamilton is the CEO of Bonaventure Senior Living, a network of retirement and senior living communities throughout the Western United States. Today, we speak with Mr. Hamilton about the feasibility of exercise for seniors with osteoporosis. According to Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living residents are encouraged to exercise and stay fit. Here’s why.

Interviewing Experts: Thank you for joining us today.

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: I appreciate the opportunity to talk about this important topic.

Interviewing Experts: Why is exercise so important for seniors?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Regular physical activity markedly reduces age-related bone loss. This is important because osteoporosis is a major concern for seniors and is also a leading cause of fractures of the wrists, hip and spine.

Interviewing Experts: How should someone over the age of 50 begin a new exercise regimen?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: It’s always important to check with your health-care provider before starting any new exercise regimen, even those not suffering from osteoporosis.

Interviewing Experts: What types of activities are recommended?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Most should stay with low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming. A good combination of cardiovascular and strength training exercises can help ward off bone loss and stimulate bone growth.

Interviewing Experts: But don’t most exercises involve heavy twisting of the bones?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: People with osteoporosis should definitely modify exercises as needed to avoid over-rotating the spine since it is highly susceptible to damage.  Simple stretching, tai chi, and certain forms of yoga are great methods of low-impact exercise which can be done without excessive twisting.

Interviewing Experts: What about impact sports like senior baseball?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Those who’ve already been diagnosed with osteoporosis should probably avoid active sports such as baseball or even golf where significant strain is placed on the back and spine while swinging a bat or golf club.  Most cities have water aerobics, swimming classes, or even water polo which can be great alternatives.

Interviewing Experts:  Let’s go over the types of exercises seniors with osteoporosis should focus on.

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: There are four basic types of exercise: posture, hip and back, balance and functional.

Interviewing Experts: What is an easy exercise for posture?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: There’s one called the corner stretch that helps seniors keep their shoulders stretched and upper back flattened.

Interviewing Experts: And for the hips?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: The two that come to mind are hip abductors and prone leg lifts. Each works to strengthen a group of muscles that support the hip and improve flexibility.

Interviewing Experts: Why are balance exercises important for seniors at risk for osteoporosis?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Those with osteoporosis are at higher risk of breaking a bone when falling than those with healthy bones, so preventing falls is very important.

Interviewing Experts: What are some risk factors of osteoporosis?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Although anyone can get it, it is most typical in postmenopausal females over the age of 50 who are small in stature and have a family history of osteoporosis.

Interviewing Experts: So it’s more prevalent in women?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: It is, yes. In fact, a woman is equally likely to break a hip due to osteoporosis, as she is to develop female-specific cancers.

Interviewing Experts: And men?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: It’s much less common in men, but is actually more common than something like prostate cancer.

Interviewing Experts: What are some signs of osteoporosis?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Honestly, there may be no signs until someone gets a broken bone, but some people may noticeably lose height because of crushed vertebrae.

Interviewing Experts: That sounds very painful.

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Osteoporosis is considered a silent disease. Most people don’t even feel that their bones are crumbling inside of them.

Interviewing Experts: Is osteoporosis something that only senior citizens have to worry about?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: It is mostly found in mature adults, but children and teenagers can help build strong bones long before their retirement years. It is vital to get ample calcium and vitamin D to maintain healthy bones into adulthood.

Interviewing Experts: Is it really feasible to exercise after an osteoporosis diagnosis?

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Absolutely. Many of our residents at Bonaventure who have osteoporosis are also very active.  Our activity directors come up with all sorts of fun and engaging activities and projects which keep residents’ mobility and limitations in mind.

Interviewing Experts: We appreciate your time today. Thank you very much.

Kelley D. Hamilton, Bonaventure Senior Living: Thank you for the opportunity to speak on this important subject.

Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure Says Assisted Living Gives Seniors Independence

Kelley Hamilton BonaventureParents spend their whole lives caring for their children, and many of those children now are caring for their parents. According to Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure Senior Living, some adult children visit their parents in their homes and help out. For others, caretaking can mean blending households. But many people are also choosing an assisted living community, says Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO, as such places are gaining the reputation of being a positive place to end one’s days. As the chief executive officer for a company that builds and manages many senior living communities, Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure knows these facilities are active communities where seniors can actually live life.

In this interview with the staff of Interviewing Experts, Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure talks about the independence seniors gain by choosing an assisted living community. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure also gives seniors and their adult children advice on how to make the transition as easy as possible.

Interviewing Experts: Thanks for joining us.

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Thank you for having me.

Interviewing Experts: Many people associate assisted living with giving up independence. Is this really the case?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: No, they really don’t give up independence; they actually gain independence through the move.

Interviewing Experts: But many children with elderly parents feel guilty dropping them off at an assisted living community.

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: This is the biggest educational piece that we do when we talk with families and residents. It is definitely not something to feel guilty about. These children are really giving their parents their independence back.

Interviewing Experts: But wouldn’t seniors enjoy more independence in their own homes?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: That’s what many people think. One thing I began to observe was that many seniors who sat at home were often overcome by depression.

Interviewing Experts: How sad! Why does that happen?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: For seniors who no longer can do things they used to be able to do in their home, sitting in the same familiar environment can become depressive.

Interviewing Experts: Can this lead to medical issues?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Absolutely. A lot of times, depression becomes masked by other physical symptoms, where seniors start not feeling great or having memory issues.

Interviewing Experts: What about seniors living with their children?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: That’s a good point, but a recent survey stated that only a quarter of seniors said they would want to live with their children.

Interviewing Experts: What’s the best way to prepare for this process?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: First, seniors and their families need to explore various housing and care options. Every assisted living community is different, but children should remember that their parents should live life on their own terms.

Interviewing Experts: Is the process confusing?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: It can be a confusing and overwhelming process. There is a lot to deal with. But with the right information and a commitment to doing your homework, it can also be a joyful process that results in a wonderful new home.

Interviewing Experts: What key issues should be addressed?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: Where they will live, of course, is a big issue. The state of their health is an important part in this decision. How much care will they need? What activities will they enjoy? And of course their finances need to be in order.

Interviewing Experts: What if parents refuse to have this conversation?

Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO: It’s important to respect their feelings when they make it clear they want to avoid the subject. However, consider pushing the issue if the parents’ health or safety is at risk.


Kelley Hamilton, Bonaventure CEO, also points out that seniors tend to stay very active while living in an assisted living community. Kelley Hamilton and Bonaventure staff schedule regular social activities for their residents. Kelley Hamilton of Bonaventure currently resides in Oregon.

Kelley D. Hamilton Discusses the Growing Number of Centenarians

Kelley D. Hamilton

Kelley D. Hamilton

Kelley D. Hamilton is co-owner and Chief Executive Officer of Bonaventure Senior Living. The mission of Bonaventure is to provide an exceptional Senior lifestyle through a dedicated and compassionate team, innovative communities and enriched services that promote dignity, choice and independence. Recently, the staff of Interviewing Experts sat down for a brief conversation with Kelley D. Hamilton.

Interviewing Experts: What does it take to join the exclusive club of centenarians?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  First of all, you must live to be 100! That is something Americans are doing in increasing numbers.

Interviewing Experts: Do you happen to know any statistics about how many adults are living to the century mark?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  The last census data put the number of U.S. centenarians at 53,364. That’s up 65.8% over the 1980 numbers.

Interviewing Experts: What are we doing differently than we were three decades ago?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Diet, exercise, and less stress have been shown to be quite effective in living a longer, healthier life. Perhaps people finally realized that and changed their habits accordingly.

Interviewing Experts: Does attitude factor in living longer?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  I believe so. I once heard a man who was forced into retirement say that now he was just sitting around waiting to die.

Interviewing Experts: That’s terrible!

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Yes it is, and unhealthy in so many ways. We at Bonaventure encourage our residents to find a new focus after retirement and live life to its fullest potential.

Interviewing Experts: And you think that makes a difference…

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Most definitely. Age is just a number. Think younger! Try something new.

Interviewing Experts: Like what, for instance?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Well for starters, we encourage Bonaventure residents to challenge their minds. Get that college degree or start a new career around a well-loved hobby. Become a techie.

Interviewing Experts: A techie?

Kelley D. Hamilton:   Yes. A poll of U.S. centenarians showed that many get online to stay connected to friends, family, and current events. It makes them feel relevant in today’s world.

Interviewing Experts: So are you saying that seniors now use e-mail instead of snail mail?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  The number of senior adults who keep up with the latest technology is growing. E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype help seniors stay involved socially and keep their minds agile.

Interviewing Experts: But doesn’t that mean seniors will withdraw from daily life?

Kelley D. Hamilton:   Not at all. When they discover they can google lost friends and make new ones, it opens up a whole new world. It gives them something relevant to bring to their social interactions.

Interviewing Experts: So to recap, what are some characteristics that would make a person more likely to live longer?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Healthy, happy ones! So, eat healthy, exercise, and be happy. Strive to be optimistic and don’t stress over the small things.

Interviewing Experts: Switching gears a bit, can you tell us who is the longest living person ever documented?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  A French woman named Jeanne Calment holds that honor. She was 122 years (and her age was verified) when she died in 1997.

Interviewing Experts: She must have been very healthy. Did she remain active throughout her life?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  She did. Ms. Calment took up fencing at age 85 and was still riding a bicycle at 100. She lived on her own until she was 101.

Interviewing Experts: Do centenarians have certain things in common that help them live longer?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  They are rarely overweight, exercise regularly, eat very little meat, and spend a lot of time with their family and friends.

Interviewing Experts: What about genetics? How much do good genes play in achieving the age of 100?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Genetics play a significant role in longevity, but it isn’t the major factor. One study showed that attaining centenarian status was 20% to 30% genes and 70% to 80% environment.

Interviewing Experts: What country has the highest population of centenarians, and why?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Okinawa, Japan. Okinawa’s citizens eat very little meat and dairy. Their diet is filled with fish, vegetables, and whole grain foods.

Interviewing Experts: What is the biggest obstacle in reaching centenarian status in the U.S?

Kelley D. Hamilton:  Well, if I had to pick just one, it would be obesity. Obesity contributes to a number of deadly diseases. Life expectancy has seen a dramatic increase in the last century and half because of advances in medicine and better nutrition, but some experts predict that those rates will decrease if the U.S. population continues to become more obese.
Kelley D. Hamilton is passionate about offering senior adults the best in assisted living and retirement accommodations. Bonaventure communities can be found in the Western United States. For more information, visit